Eight It was a Tuesday eight years ago when I first met you. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday, while at others, I really can't believe you are 8-years-old. It hasn't all been easy, but I wouldn't change a thing. I can't even put into words how much I love you. Instead, in honor of your eighth birthday, I'm going to share 8 fantastic things about you, Mr. … [Read more...]
Seven Years: Happy Birthday Mr. B!
Seven Years Seven years ago, I gave birth to my first beautiful baby boy. It was a Tuesday morning, and I was exhausted from being up all night in labor. I almost didn't get to see or hold you right away because they wanted to go and check you in the NICU. You had the cord wrapped around your neck twice, and needed a little help getting all the way out. But, I did get … [Read more...]
The Artist Mr. B
Artist in Residence Mr. B is definitely an artist. He takes after his dad, and loves to paint, draw, and create. He has tons of sketch books filled, paintings on our walls, and really has a wild imagination. As you may know, I volunteer in his Art class at school. It's so fun to watch all the kids create things and learn about art and artists. I know I've said it before, … [Read more...]