Sleep I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with sleep. I love to sleep, and I hate when I can't get enough of it. I also love, love, love when my children sleep through the night or sleep in late (I'm talking 6:30 or 7 am late,) or take a nap. They are more pleasant to be around, they are less demanding, and they have more energy (if that's possible?) in a good … [Read more...]
Vacations needed after you’ve just been on Vacation
Vacations Even though we just got back from my Birthday Vacation, I'm in desperate need of another vacation. Are vacations ever really that relaxing? There's all the excitement of going, and then you try to squeeze in as many fun things as you can while you're there. Plus, if it's a family vacation, like we just had, the kids add a whole other element to it. Let's just say … [Read more...]
Survival Products, Whole30 Thursday
Survival Products I'm not going to lie. The Whole30 was hard for me. For someone who loved sweetened tea, chocolate, and cheese, giving all those things up at once was difficult. At many points, I didn't think I would make it the full 30 days. I had to look for some "survival products." Things that made the challenge a little easier by either making the cooking easier or the … [Read more...]
Personalized Valentine’s Day Gift
Valentine's Day Next to Halloween, Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. I used to love decorating a "mailbox" for our desk at school, then passing out Valentine's to everyone in class. It was always so much fun to open them from everyone. Plus, some would even have some candy in them. My love for chocolate goes way back. Personalized and … [Read more...]