Hospital Discharge Alone When you go to have your baby, you don't expect to have your hospital discharge alone. You expect to bring a newborn baby home with you, and start your family. Prematurity robs you of that experience. There is no celebration, no flowers, and no one trying to sneak a peek of your baby as you're wheeled out. Watching other new families … [Read more...]
Moment to Moment in the NICU: Waylon’s Story
Moment to Moment Everything can change in an instant during a NICU stay. One minute your baby can be doing fine, while in the next, alarms are going off everywhere, and things are critical. You learn to cherish the quiet moment, the uneventful hours, and the days where there are glimmers that your baby may eventually go home. But, there are those other moments that make you … [Read more...]
A Rare syndrome, Nova’s follow-up story
Rare Syndrome When you hear statistics like 1 in 3000, or words like "extremely rare," you think it will never happen to you or your family. However, when you've gone through something like premature birth or a NICU stay, you find out that "rare" isn't always as rare as you think. Before I had my twins at 25 weeks, I had never met another premature baby or even known what … [Read more...]