Rare Syndrome When you hear statistics like 1 in 3000, or words like "extremely rare," you think it will never happen to you or your family. However, when you've gone through something like premature birth or a NICU stay, you find out that "rare" isn't always as rare as you think. Before I had my twins at 25 weeks, I had never met another premature baby or even known what … [Read more...]
A Fighter from the beginning, Elijah Matthew
A Fighter When I think of the word preemie, I definitely think of the word fighter. I think preemies are some of the strongest, bravest people I know. Although, their parents are pretty brave too. Today's preemie is certainly a fighter, and so is his mom. Allison is sharing her story, and beautiful boy, Elijah, with us today. Elijah Matthew 1. Tell us about your baby My … [Read more...]
Mommy and Me Day
With my oldest done with preschool, I've been trying to find activities to keep us busy and not get the dreaded, "I'm bored." I also still have our nanny/babysitter for two days a week, and I want to keep her coming back, so I decided to take my oldest on a "Mommy and Me" day. I checked the movie listings, since they have $5 movies on Tuesdays here, but there was NOTHING. … [Read more...]