It's Monday! I, for one, am happy that it is Monday. The long weekend was great, but I'm ready to get back to our weekly routine. I'm especially happy to have you back here for Micro Preemie Monday. If you haven't been here for a while, you can go back and read my post from last Monday about Taliyah HERE, and the week before's post about Nicolas and Lucas HERE. Today On this … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek Sunday
Sunday already Happy Sunday! Did you enjoy your long weekend? We had a really nice Thanksgiving, and I got a lot of Christmas shopping done. I've got a busy week lined up on the blog, so here's a little sneak peek for you this last Sunday of November. Sneak a Peek Monday It's time to meet another amazingly strong micro preemie this Monday. If you missed last weeks … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Taliyah
Happy Monday! Today, we have an important person to meet, and I'm so glad you've joined us again for another Micro Preemie Monday. If you missed last week, you can read about identical twins, Nicolas and Lucas HERE. You can also read my post for World Prematurity Day HERE. We still have a week of November left, so I will be trying to squeeze in more about Premature Birth … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek Sunday, Volume 10
I'm back! Did you miss me? While my blog was getting a makeover, I got a little makeover myself. Actually just a haircut. It was a really long week, with the twins waking up at 5 am three out of the 5 days. I thought they were getting ready for Daylight Savings Time, but then I realized they were heading in the wrong direction. Ugh. How was your week? Oh. Did you want to … [Read more...]
Sunday Sneak Peek, Volume 9
Happy Sunday! What fun things are you doing today? My son is recovering from his ear infection, and we're off to a Pumpkin Farm. Check one thing off our Fall Bucket List (maybe two!) We have a fun afternoon coming up, so this is going to be a brief post. I do have some exciting stuff coming up this week, so let's get to it. … [Read more...]