The Gym Again? Yes! I made it to the gym yesterday! If you read my post about working out yesterday, you know that I am slowly getting back into my routine after being sick. Well, I'm happy to report I was back at Zumba, plus did the ab workout afterwards. I did get a little more red in the face than usual, sweated a little more, and needed a lot more water, but overall, … [Read more...]
I’m a Contributor and Ask Away Thursday
Contributor As you may have read at the end of last Thursday's post, I am now a contributor on a Website called Lose the Cape. You can read my first post with some money (and time) saving tips HERE. I'm also excited to announce that I am also going to be a contributor on Not Now Mom's Busy. My first post goes live today! You can read it HERE. I'm talking about Goal setting, … [Read more...]
Behind the Blog Design
New Blog Design I'm loving it, and I hope you like the new blog design too. I've been wanting a new blog design for a while now. I even put it on my 30 things before the end of my 30's list. The problem? My budget. I've been trying to monetize my site, but it's a process for me. Eventually, I hope to be contributing to my family's income, but I'm just not there yet. … [Read more...]