Packing As I mentioned in my December goals, we're getting ready to head out on a family vacation. I also might have mentioned, I'm a little stressed about it. So, in order to help alleviate some of that stress, I'm trying to get my packing done early. As we all know, when the family goes on vacation, mom doesn't just pack for herself. At least in our family, I pack for all … [Read more...]
Pink Eye Stinks: Signs and Treatment
Pink Eye In addition to the normal craziness around here, the twins were both diagnosed with Pink Eye 2 weeks ago. (On a side note, some websites spell it Pinkeye and not "Pink Eye," but that looked weird to me!) While it's super annoying and a lot of fun to treat, Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) is not usually serious. However, it is very, very contagious. Since this is the … [Read more...]