Recovery When someone has surgery, there is always an expected time for recovery. They need to rest and let their body heal. When it's your child that has surgery, you want to help them during recovery, take away their pain, and get them back to their old self as soon as possible. However, there is someone else that also needs to recover. You! As a parent, it's hard … [Read more...]
Anywhere and Everywhere
Since it's Saturday and the beginning of Summer, I thought I'd share a post with you that I wrote as a guest on another blog, Your Modern Family. These are my tips and tricks to going anywhere with your kids. I hope you'll find it helpful as you head out on your road trips, or even a trip to the store. In my house, with twin toddlers and a 5-year-old, we spend more time … [Read more...]
Alone time and Mommy time
Alone time Alone time is pretty rare in a house of 5. However, for the first time since my twins were born, I had some alone time, and I slept in a bed alone. No husband, and no little ones sneaking in during the middle of the night. I had 2 nights away for a "girl's weekend." I've only been apart from the twins for one night since they came home from the NICU, so I was a … [Read more...]