So, I had my appointment with the “Jaw” specialist this morning. Originally, it was supposed to be at 11:30 am, but they called a week ago and asked if I could be there at 8 am instead. Since it took me a month to get in to see this doctor, of course, I agreed. They also sent me paperwork to fill out ahead of time, and told me to arrive 10 minutes early.
Perhaps if I was just a single lady, this whole appointment and changing of times would have been no big deal. But, I’m not. I have kids and childcare to worry about. I had to arrange for my husband to drop my kids off at my parent’s house because it was so early I didn’t want to inconvenience them any more than I already was. I also packed a bag with all their clothes, diapers, etc. last night, so my husband could just take them over in jammies. Did I mention he also had to transfer car seats to his car? We do have one extra, but they are too darn expensive to have three for each car. We couldn’t just switch cars because I would be going to pick them up. Plus, I can’t drive stick shift.
Anyways, it all went off with out too much trouble, and I made it to my appointment exactly 10 minutes ahead of time.
There I sat in the waiting room until 8:10 am.
Ten minutes behind schedule. No big deal, I guess.
Then, I sat in the exam room until 8:45 am. I could hear the doctor talking on the phone in the next room almost the whole time. While I’m sure it was important, it didn’t sound like a conversation that couldn’t have happened AFTER my appointment that HE requested at 8 am. I had to different nurses come in and tell me he would be right it, but he wasn’t. He just kept talking.
When he finally came in, he did apologize, but that really doesn’t give me my 45 minutes back does it? 45 minutes that I could have been sleeping at home or getting kids dressed or not inconveniencing my parents and husband. Ugh.
It just really makes me mad when someone thinks their time is more valuable than mine.
Plus, the doctor was of no help. He took another set of X-rays of my jaw, and said he didn’t really see anything major going on. I, personally, think it’s pretty major that I can’t chew without pain or shut my mouth all the way.
He then said he would look at the X-ray in greater detail and call my dentist. I’m not sure why he didn’t do this ahead of time, since my dentist took the same X-ray and sent it to him a month ago. He also suggested I might need to see a Orthodontist about my bite, since that’s what they specialize in. If that was the case, why the heck didn’t my dentist send me there in the first place?
As you can tell, I’m pretty irritated with the whole situation. I’m also pretty crabby from getting up so early for no good reason. Hopefully, the kids will let me nap with them today. Fingers crossed.
Christine says
Uhg! I hate when doctors are so behind on their appointments, especially when you are the FIRST appointment of the day. AND not to mention that ONE time that you are 10-15 min. late and they are like “I’m sorry, we can’t see you and you need to pay a late fee and reschedule.” What’s up with that?! AND don’t doctors want to leave work at a decent time to spend the evening with their family?! I’d love for a doctor to weigh in…
Shann says
Yes! I’d love to hear from one too!
Alexa says
I have had so many similar experiences over the past few years. It really irks me!
M from The Stay-at-Home Life says
I hate doctors like that! I had an old doctor where they actually FORGOT me in the room, after waiting for hours, and were turning the lights off to leave! I was pregnant and hooked up to monitors! To make it worse, they did this TWICE and other times, assigned me appointments yet had me spending half the day (I kid you not) waiting for them.
Shann says
That is so ridiculous! I hope you switched doctors!
CourtneyLynne says
ughhhh!!! It drives me nuts when doctors pull things like this! I understand appts can take alittle
Longer that expected, but you would think they would schedule appointments knowing this is going to happen so mamas like us aren’t sitting in a waiting room with fussy kiddos -_-
Shann says
Thank you! Glad to know I’m not the only one who feels like this! Thank you for stopping by and reading!
Meredith@MommyAtoZ says
This is so frustrating! In my opinion, the only doctors who should get to keep you waiting are OB/GYNs, because, hey, they can’t control when a patient goes into labor. But in these other cases, why is it so hard to stick to a schedule? I feel your pain!
Shann says
Exactly! Thank you!