Let me start this post with a warning…I have taken cold medicine. I apologize for any parts that don’t make complete sense. ๐ Now, back to the post…
According to this week’s Sneak Peak Sunday, today I was going to share a Vlog with you about my newest VoxBox from Influenster. If you’d like to learn more about what Influenster is you can read about it in my post HEREย or you can sign up for Influenster through my referral link HERE.
Anyways, I still have the worst head cold, and I did not want to expose you. Ha! Just kidding. Seriously, though, I did not want to get on camera/phone/video today at all. In fact, I’m going to be spending the day in bed ALONE catching up on all the new Fall TV shows. Where are the kids? What did you do to deserve this day of rest? Let me tell you.
My husband spent the last week in the Virgin Islands. Without me or the kids. Let that sink in for a minute.
OK. You good?
Now, let me explain.
My husband has gone on a few of these solo trips before. One before we had kids, and one right after I found out I was pregnant with the twins. To be fair, he had already had it planned…the pregnancy was a surprise and we didn’t know it was twins at the time. His best friend lives in the Virgin Islands, and he rarely gets to see him, so when/if he ever gets the chance, he begs me to let him take it. Me, being the wonderful, caring wife I am, let him go….on one condition, of course. When he gets back, I get the equivalent amount of time to spend by myself. It’s nice to have time to recharge.
I don’t want to go anywhere (well, maybe that Girl’s Trip to Chicago) because I’ve grown truly afraid to fly by myself in my old age. I also don’t like to leave the kids for more than a night at a time. ย So, instead, my husband let’s me go on day shopping trips or spend time with my mom watching all our favorite shows or going out with girlfriends for the night. Really, it’s a win/win. Although, his win comes with tropical weather and a drink with an umbrella.
So, other than this awful (and I mean horrible) cold, the week was actually pretty good. Here are some highlights.
My husband left early, early Saturday morning, so when everyone got up (they slept until 7 am!!!) we got ate, got dressed, and headed to the gym. The kids played a while, I took a class, then we all met up for lunch and nap time. Sunday went pretty much the same way.
Monday, we got my oldest off to school, then we just ran some errands. My in-laws came to babysit at 5 pm, so I could take my ballet class.
Tuesday, was school for the oldest, and the gym for the rest of us.
Wednesday was Field Trip Day!
My parents came over to watch the twins (who were not happy about missing out, as you can see) while I accompanied my oldest on his first field trip. You can read a little bit more about my Volunteer Experience HERE.
We had a lot of fun visiting our local safety building. We got to see the police side, along with a jail cell, and all the fire fighters run out on an emergency call. Luckily, they got back 15 minutes before we had to leave, so we got to see them put on their gear and show us the cool stuff in the fire truck.
That night, there was an Ice Cream Social put on by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO.) I actually forgot about it until about an hour before it was supposed to happen. I wasn’t sure if I could handle all three kids plus Ice Cream, but it was fun.
They got every possible ice cream topping, got to make an ice cream craft, plus we saw a lot of people we knew….my sister-in-law with all 4 of my nieces (she was also flying solo, as my bro was out-of-town for work,) a pre-school friend, and a book club friend.
By Thursday, I have to admit I was excited my husband was coming home. Morning time and bedtime are the hardest parts when you’re by yourself and outnumbered by crabby kids. They all missed him a lot too, and asked all week when Daddy would be home.
When he walked in the door Thursday night, everyone, including my husband, was pretty happy. We got some presents, discussed our weeks, and played a couple of rounds of Duck, Duck, Goose (the kids favorite new game to play…not at all by the rules, just a free for all running around the living room.)
So, I’m happy to report we made it through the week, and had a pretty good one. Well, at least until this dreaded cold really set in and knocked me down a little. I’m definitely looking forward to some rest.
What are you up to this weekend? Hope you had a great week, and are doing some fun, Fall things. Please share them in the comments too!
Sounds like you handled the week pretty well – I can’t imagine three kids on my own! I like the system you have worked out with your husband too, for how you get some relaxing days now!
Definitely gave me something to look forward to. Thank you!
It sucks when you’re down with the cold. I get these massive headaches and it just feels so bad. I hope you feel better soon – please drink lots of water, get some rest, and maybe some Vitamin C will help.
I’m glad though that you got to see your parents, nieces, and sister-in-law.
My weekend’s kinda short. I’ve work today ( Saturday ) but tomorrow, if I get up early I’ll run and box a bit. I need to break some sweat.
I’ve definitely been taking Vitamin C. On the mend. Thank you for all your comments. I appreciate it.
Sounds like a fun time bonding with the boys. Such a blessing to have parents close by! Our closest set of parents live 8 hours away. It would be so hard to be without Josh for a whole week tho! I’d just feel really lonely
Yes. I’m very lucky. They are awesome grandparents .
Aaawww this is so cute, hope you don’t catch a bad flu again anytime soon! Love the idea that you should both get your time offs, it’s a must! Although, being in a tropical setting with a margarita in one hand would be extra nice too!
Yes .Thank you!
Sounds like a full week! Glad you made it out alive lol ๐
Me too .Thanks!
I love all the selfies for dad. I need to do that when my husband is away on business!
Thank you. Yes!
Sounds like a great week you had! I think it’s important that we all have our ‘alone time’ sometimes! Makes relationships even better:)
Agreed ๐
That would have been great when my kids were little if Jeff and I could have traded time off like that. Nope never really happened. Although, kid are both adults, almost, last one in March. So I get load of time off. Not much alone time, but off time anyway. Like right now, I’m alone. Kids are working and husband, (bassist) is on his way home from sound checking for his gig tonight. It’s been a nice afternoon of cleaning and putting away summer clothes.
I hope your cold get better…
Thank you . Hope you got some stuff done today.
Sorry you were sick! Hope you’re better.
Thanks…getting there. ๐
Sounds like a good week except for the cold, hope you feel better! Now we can do a blog conference together and he can keep the home together!
Exactly . Love it!
My husband has to travel a lot for work. This next time however I may get to go with him and it may be Chicago! I hope I get to do some shopping. You handled all that time with all the responsibility really well! Hope you get better soon!
Thank you! Have so much fun if you get to go to Chicago…one of my favorite cities!
I am in the quasi-empty nest stage, where my kids are in and out of the house most of the time. My hubby is suffering from chronic pain, so it is usually just me and him in the house. It does get lonely at times, I agree with that. I just wish my hubby would get his health back so we can go have some fun times outside the house.
Oh no! I hope he can get some relief from his pain.
I as well spent most of the week by myself with my daughter… while my husband was out hunting. Bedtime was definitely the hardest even with one kid… plus by that time I am so tired and just need a break, so I can;t imagine how you feel with three. I’m so happy you made it through the week! With a cold nonetheless! Bravo mama!
Thank you! Yes, bedtime is pretty hard…but then it’s nice to relax.
You did great it sounds with a wild week. Pretty busy and hope that cold gets all better.
Thank you!
Doing things SOLO not SOLO(kids) is such a challenge. I love that you went to the ice cream social, you are braver than I:_
Awe. Thank you.
You had a full week. Isn’t it nice when your parents live nearby and they can take care of your kids? I’m so lucky my mom and dad are always there.
Yes! They are awesome!
Sounds like you had a busy time. I am glad you are feeling better and got to go on the field trip!
Thank you!
Sounds like it was a buay but fun week. Its cool you made time for everything and everyone
Thank you!
I am recovering from a cold myself, but you are the awesome one because you did your healing three kids in tow! A well deserved time alone doing what replenished your soul! We all need that, with or without children. Love the selfies!
Thank you so much, Claudette ๐
Love your positive attitude through what some would deem negative. You guys must have a great marriage – it shows! Congrats! Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you! ๐
You were so busy while being under the weather. I’m in awe of you! I’m glad the ice cream social turned out to be fun too.
Thank you! ๐
Here’s to hoping that flu is gone by today! You had a great week, good job for taking on three kids by yourself. You should be proud!
Thank you Elizabeth ๐
Ugh being sick is the worst! Hoping your week turns around!
It sounds like you had a great week sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope you feel better.
Thank you! ๐
I’m glad you had a good week despite your cold. I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you!
I hope your cold gets better soon. Maybe you could get a massage for your solo time, and rub all the soreness out of your body. (=
I hope your hubby enjoyed his trip. Enjoy your girl time.
Great idea! Thanks!
It looks you handled the situation very well, despite of yourself not feeling well. I can relate much dealing with kinds because I have 2 little ones as well. Get well soon!
Thank you!