Lifesavers Everyone is always looking for new ways to get organized, save time, and save money. Plus, when you find things that help you, it definitely saves your sanity too. If your days are filled with activities, your house is filled with clutter, and your bank account isn't filled at all, I've rounded up some products that have literally been lifesavers to me. They give me … [Read more...]
Neighborhood Safety
We've been in our current house for about three years. We moved out of the city for a good school system, cheaper property taxes, and to have a yard for the kids to play in. We also were looking for a neighborhood where we could meet other families and, of course, feel safe. We thought we found the perfect place, then there were a bunch of break-ins. No one was hurt, but it … [Read more...]
A day in the NICU
NICU stay As a mother of twin micro preemies, we spent a lot of time in the hospital. My big guy, Big C, stayed for 91 days. My little guy, Little P, stayed for 93 days. No matter how long or short your journey, it is an experience that changes you. I'd like to tell you a little bit about our time spent in the NICU. Before I start my post, I'd like to add a disclaimer. … [Read more...]
Do they look alike, and are they identical?
These are the two questions that us twin mommies constantly ask and are asked. All. The. Time. So, take a look at these pictures, and tell me what you think: I bet you thought I was going to post a picture of my boys, right? Ha! That is one question I don't need to ask you. I think my boys look completely different, even though they are identical. (Although, that split … [Read more...]
Good behavior and Club stuff
It has been a good, busy week. The snow is almost gone, and we can go outside without putting on 5 layers. I'm not sure if this weather will last, but we're going to enjoy it while we can. As I said, it's been busy, so here are some of the highlights from our week: Library story hour success! Me and my Dad took all three kiddos to story time at the library on Tuesday. The … [Read more...]