It has been a good, busy week. The snow is almost gone, and we can go outside without putting on 5 layers. I’m not sure if this weather will last, but we’re going to enjoy it while we can.
As I said, it’s been busy, so here are some of the highlights from our week:
Library story hour success! Me and my Dad took all three kiddos to story time at the library on Tuesday. The last time we went, 2 out of 3 were screaming or asking for cookies/juice the whole time. To be fair, the Librarian was drinking a soda in between stories (which were all about cookies and cakes.) Luckily, this time the stories were about shoes, and it was a different Librarian. I’m not sure if they were just in a better mood, or if she was more engaging, but all three boys did much better. No crying or screaming, and they mostly just sat up front listening to the stories. Of course, each twin had to hold a red car (they are obsessed with the color red for some reason,) but they only tried to drive them on the story board once before she started reading. There also wasn’t any fighting in the car on the way there or back, which was close to a miracle.
Twins at the Zoo. While my oldest was at preschool, I took the twins to meet a friend at the zoo. The beginning of the trip went great…because they stayed in the stroller! As it was getting close to leaving time, I let them loose. Luckily, there were two other moms with us because one twin is a runner. Actually, they both are. In opposite directions. (I also had this problem when I tried to take them on a walk by myself around the block. Again, luckily, there was a nice neighbor who stopped one.)
Our first Play Date! On Friday, I picked up both my son and his friend from preschool for a play date at our house. We’ve had plenty of play dates where we meet places or where both mom and friend come over, but never one at our house with just a friend. I was a little nervous! The twins went to my parent’s house for an hour to give the boys some time to play without interruption. I made the boys lunch, while my son took his friend on a tour of the house. I think both boys were so excited, they hardly ate. There were a few meltdowns from my son. One, when he couldn’t get his friend to play what he wanted, and two, when his brothers came home. To avoid disaster, I suited everyone up, and we went outside. I marched everyone around the house, then we made a game of picking up pine cones. 2 out of 4 kids were soaked in puddle water and mud, but thankfully, both of those were mine.
Taggie Blankets Delivered! I had my twins’ club meeting on Friday night. In addition to chatting, meeting new members, and discussing our upcoming rummage sale, we made little “taggie” blankets for all the twins born at the hospital where we hold our meetings. We did this as part of “Multiple Awareness Month,” which is the month of April. Since we got so many done during the meeting, we decided to just deliver them to the NICU right away. The nurse was so appreciative and happy. We even found out there were a set of triplets there! It felt great to make that donation.
And speaking of donations, there is still time to donate to the March of Dimes for the March for Babies. The walk is coming up on April 25th at Milwaukee’s Lakefront. We also have plenty of room on our family team, Bex’s Brave Brothers, so if you’re in the area, please consider walking with us. You can join or donate by clicking HERE.
Right before the walk, on Wednesday, April 22nd, we will be having a fundraiser at Jose’s Blue Sombrero in Brookfield, WI. If you present our flyer, 25% of your food purchase will go to the March of Dimes on behalf of our team. I can deliver, mail, or email you the flyer. You can simply comment on this post, email me at, or visit our Facebook Page for more information.
And one last thing….in case you’ve missed my tons of posts or emails, I had a story published on Mamalode, a parenting magazine. You can find my story HERE.
A HUGE thank you to everyone that has read, commented, and sent me words of encouragement. It means so much to me.
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