The twins had their first successful Easter egg hunt on Saturday. Even though it was a little rainy and chilly, as it seems to be each year, all 3 boys seemed to really have fun.
All armed with their Thomas the Train baskets from Grandma last year, they headed to their assigned areas. 0 to 3 years was in one roped off section, while 4 to 6 was in another. My Dad and I took the twins, and my husband took our 4-year-old.
While it was pure mayhem once they let the little ones in to get the eggs, I have to say I was pretty proud of the twins. They actually picked up the concept rather well. They picked up the eggs one by one and put them in their baskets. They even tried to share with another little girl near by. They were only allowed to pick 6 eggs each, so we had to put a few back on the sly. They were just having so much fun picking them up.
We then went inside to see the live chicks (from a distance, of course,) and my oldest got his nose painted.
Overall, a good egg hunt. Not too many snotty, coughing kids, and since parents were busy chasing their own children, I didn’t have to worry about them touching mine.
Now, for some even better news…
We had our eye doctor appointment today. NO GLASSES!!!! The eye doctor said both boys’ eyes look great, and we don’t have to be seen for another year. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!
If you’ve read any previous posts about the eye doctor, you know this is a very big deal because first:
I HATE going to the eye doctor with the boys. It usually takes an insane amount of time in the waiting room, which is usually packed with snotty, coughing kids. I love the doctor, but up until the last couple visits, she has to put on this huge contraption on her own head, then hold their poor little eyes open with these metal prongs. I think I cry more than the twins.
Second: When the twins were in the NICU, both were monitored for ROP, which is Retinopathy of Prematurity. ROP is the cause of Stevie Wonder’s blindness, to give you a frame of reference. The blood vessels in premature babies aren’t fully developed, and they can cause the Retina to detach, causing blindness, if it isn’t caught in time. Luckily, with all of the medical advances, they monitor premature babies very closely, and are able to perform a laser surgery if it gets bad. My little guy had to have this surgery performed in the NICU by the very same Eye Doctor we still visit for check-ups. My bigger guy also had ROP, but it resolved on its own. I still remember the day the Doctor told me he would have to have surgery. I was just so sad for him. I mean, I knew it was for the best, but he had gone through so much, and this would also cause him to lose his peripheral vision. I just remember holding him and crying until they had to take him back and prep him for surgery.
BUT, this visit was GREAT. I dropped my mom and the boys off, so I could go park. I got up to the waiting room, which was empty, and we were taken into a room within 10 minutes. The assistant did a number of tests, then dilated their eyes. We were sent back to the waiting room, and by the time the twins had finished their snacks, the Doctor was ready for us. No metal prongs, no contraption, just little discs and a bright light flashed in their eyes, followed by the great news about their vision. I think this is a pretty good way to start the week!
andy soiney says
I’m also very happy that you found your car after the visit!
dirtandnoise says
Me too. Only took me 10 minutes running around the structure like a crazy person.
theblackberryboys says
Hurray! No glasses! That is such great news. And no eye doctor for a whole year! Those metal prongs are so scary! I remember seeing them for the first time, so terrible! I remember taking Blackberry #2 to the eye doctor every 2 weeks for a while, after we came home from the NICU. All that waiting and all those other kids there….So far no glasses for us either. I am sorry your little one had to have surgery 🙁 , but at least it seems it was successful 🙂 xoxo Fanni
dirtandnoise says
Great news for your boys too! I can’t even imagine keeping glasses on them right now. They’d probably rip them off each other. 😉