Micro Preemie Monday
Welcome to Micro Preemie Monday. If you missed last week’s post, you can read it HERE.
Thank you again to everyone that comes back week after week to read and support these strong babies and families. Your comments really mean a lot to the mom’s who have shared their babies with us.
Today, we will be meeting Jake. Jake was born close to the same gestation as the twins. His pictures really bring me back to their birth. Jake is truly a miracle, and I’m so happy that his mom, Ashley, is sharing him with us today.
1.Tell us about your baby.
Jake was born at 25 weeks, 2 days, weighing 1 lbs 15 oz 14 inches.
2.Do you know what caused your premature birth?
We don’t know what caused me to go into pre term labor. I went into the hospital for back pain, and the doctor said it was Braxton hicks!! They did an ultra sound and checked me. I was dilated to a 3, rushed up to a different hospital and he was born 4 days later!!
3.How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?
He was in the NICU for 106 day two different hospitals and 3 surgeries. The hardest part for me was being away from home (2 hours) and seeing my baby so helpless.
4.How are you and your baby doing now?
We are doing good. Jake has some medical issues that will be with him for mostly the rest of his life. He was born with PVL (holes in the white matter of his brain) so he has his struggles, but he is a strong amazing baby and fights every day!!
5.What advice would you give to a new preemie parent?
Take everyday day by day- every step is a milestone even if it’s feeding going up a mL or O2 taking down a little!!!
Thank you again, Ashley, for sharing Jake with us. Your story will bring hope to so many!
If you have any questions or comments for Ashley, please leave them below.
Healing Mama says
He has beautiful eyes. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Latonya Mo says
Thanks for sharing Jake’s story. I am glad to hear that he and his mom are well.
Latonya Mo says
Thanks for sharing Jake’s story. I am glad the hear that he and his mom are well.
April says
What a beautiful little boy! Im so glad that he’s better and thriving
Joanna Clute says
Oh that sweet boy! He has some gorgeous eyes 🙂
Samantha says
He looks like such a happy baby! Ashley, I can’t imagine how difficult that 100+ day stay was for you, but you are one strong momma!
Joan Harrington (@joantruesuccess) says
Hi Shann,
What an awesome and inspiring story of this little boy! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
Corina Ramos (@NotNowMomsBusy) says
Thank you for sharing Jake’s story. He is a little handsome one and those eyes!
Irina says
Such a strong little boy. He has beautiful eyes!
It’s so inspiring to read these stories. This little guy has been on earth for such a short time and he is already an amazing fighter.
Leila says
Aw, he is beautiful!
I have never read your series and I think I might be hooked! I will definitely be coming back to read more!
Tandra| Thriller Mom says
What a sweetie! I am so happy that Jake is doing so well now despite his long term medical conditions. He has a strong mom (and family) surrounding him with love.
Anamika Ojha says
NICU for 106 days and 3 surgeries- hats of to Jack and his family for all those hard days. Glad to see that he is healthy now! 🙂
homegrown adventures says
What an amazing story. 1 lbs 15 oz, 106 days, and 3 surgeries… That’s a lot to handle. What a strong mama and baby. Thank you Ashley for sharing your beautiful miracle story. I can not imagine what you Ashley had to go through. I love your advice to take it one day at a time.
nmiller00 says
Oh what a sweet boy!