Thank you for joining us again today for Micro Preemie Monday. I’ve shared so many wonderful families with you so far, that I’d like to update you all on how everyone is doing. I will be doing one more new post next Monday, then the week after will be the recap. So, if you’ve been featured, please send me an update. If you have not been featured yet, don’t worry, I will get to you. I promise!
Now, here is Sarah to tell you about her son Pierce.
1. Please tell us about your Micro Preemie.
My son’s name is Pierce and he was born at 24 weeks, 3 Days weighing 2 lb 3 oz
2. How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?
We stayed in the NICU for 83 days. The hardest part of my stay was the first full 24 hours I wasn’t able to get up to the hospital to see him. I have 2 older daughters and trying to balance seeing Pierce with taking care of their needs and being present for them was a constant struggle.
3. Do you know what caused your baby’s premature birth?
Yes. I accidentally stepped on a septic cap that had not been secured and the top flipped. One leg fell in the tank while the other remained on the ground. I came straight down on the rim of the cap. I did not go into labor but started bleeding badly. I was transported to the hospital by ambulance and had to undergo surgery to repair my cuts and receive blood. While in surgery, Pierce’s heart rate dropped into the 50’s for 7-8 minutes. I was put under general anesthesia at that time and Pierce was delivered via emergency c-section. The surgeons believe my fall caused a partial placental abruption but they had to cut through the placenta to get to him so we will never know that for sure. My two previous pregnancies ended by going a week or more overdue so this was a completely new world for me. Plus, I had to undergo 2 additional hospital stays and 3 additional surgeries because of infections to my wounds.
4. How are you and your baby doing now?
Thankfully, Pierce had a relatively smooth NICU ride and has no residual health problems to speak of. We have been cleared by cardiology, his ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) is cleared and he is off of oxygen (even made it through his first cold without issue). He is meeting all his milestones at his adjusted age as well. I am mostly healed but may require one more surgery. Emotionally, I am so thankful to God who brought our family through this journey and we are all truly stronger because of it.
5. What advice would you give to a new Preemie Mom?
My best advice is to trust your gut. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the knowledge of the medical staff but at the end of the day, that is your baby in that bed and you know him best. Share ideas, ask questions and if necessary fight for what you feel is right. You are mom and your baby needs you in his corner!
This was a wonderful piece to read. It shows how much strong and optimistic women are. Great interview! Adorable pictures. 🙂
What a traumatic experience. Thankfully he is healthy and what a cutie-pie!
What a beautiful boy, and a scary story. I’m so glad everyone turned out okay in this gorgeous family!
We were in the NICU for 3 weeks for Meningitis. I met so many wonderful people there. Such strong women supporting those of us who were not with love!
What a happy boy! Thank goodness he came through so healthy. What a blessing!
And what a beautiful boy he has become. Thank you for sharing this heartwarming journey she has overcame hell and has been blessed with a gorgeous young man. xxx
What a wonderful story. So thankful to hear that he came through everything so well and is happy and healthy! I’m sure lots of prayers were answered! Hope he continues to be healthy and thrive! Thanks for sharing!
Great interview! Such a strong, beautiful family! So nice to meet you, Pierce! 🙂
I really love this series. What a sweet and beautiful boy. That story was so scary to read. I’m glad everything turned out okay. He’s adorable!
So sorry to hear about your fall Sarah. I can’t even imagine how much that hurt. Thankfully you were looked after quickly and Pierce looks absolutely adorable. Best wishes to you both!
What a terrifying delivery! I can’t even imagine. That photo of Pierce on the fur blanket is PRECIOUS.
xo, Caitlin
And Possibly Dinosaurs
I am so happy both baby and mom are doing great! Pierce is such a handsome baby boy.
He is a adorable! I am so glad mom and Pierce were healthy and safe. Love Micro Preemie Monday!
I’m happy the baby is healthy now! Fall into a septic sounds absolutely terrifying! Glad you both are healthy and ok!
Oh! So tiny! What a lovely story with a wonderful ending 🙂
Such a wonderful story!!!! That photo of Pierce with the blanket is ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing these encouraging stories – you are helping so many mothers and families by sharing these stories! Blessings!
Thank you so much Clare!
Beautiful boy 🙂 So glad he’s doing well. What a scary way for you to have had to welcome him to the world. He looks loved and happy and healthy 🙂
So thrilled things turned out well in the end regardless of how traumatic the beginning for Pierce was. Thanks, Shann, for sharing another story
Thank you for the support! 🙂
Wow. What a scary accident. I’m glad he is doing well.
Wow, what a scary way to bring your baby into the world! I’m glad Pierce is doing okay and he is strong and healthy!
So glad to hear he is doing well. I love a happy ending.
What an experience! So glad to know that he is doing well and you are as well. What a scary moment!
How inspiring! I’m sure her story will help reassure so many parents.
Wow this is wonderful!! I am so sorry to hear she has to go through so many surgeries. He is one cute boy!! I love reading these!
Oh my goodness – so tiny. Definitely the hand of God for his health!
What a handsome little boy! It’s amazing what you went through and everyone turned out okay. I’m glad to hear you are all doing well in the end.
Oh what a story! So glad to see what a big boy he is now and how cute! My friend’s daughter just had an early arrival, not that small but still small and it is hard. Thanks for sharing. God Bless.
What a beautiful baby boy! I’m glad that everything turned out alright. Very scary what happened. He was so tiny in the beginning!
Pierce is so beautiful! His birth was so traumatic and actually brought me to tears. You can never be too safe, because you never know what may happen. I am happy to hear that baby boy is doing fine and I wish you the best with your last surgery!
Baby Pierce looks so healthy. What a terrible fluke for Sarah to fall and hurt herself. I’m very glad to hear that she and her baby have recovered!
He’s such a beautiful baby! I’m so glad he’s healthy and meeting all of those milestones! Scary what can happen but in today’s medical world, we are so blessed!
Such a great story. So thankful that your baby was well cared for.
Wow that must have been a tough and traumatic experience. Love the pictures! He’s a cute little guy.
Such a little miracle. Love reading stories like this, so encouraging to others.
Pierce is a beautiful and strong baby. He is definitely a fighter.
Baby Pierce is adorable. That accident was scary and I’m glad everything turned out well.
I love your preemie stories. They always bring hope and happiness. He is a beautiful baby, what a scary delivery, but I am glad everyone is doing well now.
Thank you!
Aww! Pierce is just too cute for words! It is so great that you had a relatively smooth NICU experience and that he has adjusted well and is meeting milestones. All great news!
Reinforces faith and hope. Goof luck to you always.
My niece was born a preemie. It was amazing to see her so little and tiny,and we were oh oh oh so happy when she got to go home. Your baby is a beauty!
What a beautiful baby! Thank goodness he is thriving! I can’t imagine how scary that must have been.
What a sweet little guy! So sorry for all that Sarah went through, but happy to hear everyone is doing well now!