Hello! I hope everyone had a great weekend, and had a chance to catch up with all of our previously featured families. I’ve been able to share some amazing stories so far, and today is no different.
So, let’s meet Parker, as told by mom, Molly.
1. Tell us about your baby.
My son’s name is Parker he was born at 22 weeks +6 days ( 4 hrs shy of 22.5 and some doctors thought he was possibly younger). He was born 1 lb 6 oz. and he dropped to 16 oz the next day. He only had a 1% chance.
2. How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?
We were in the he NICU 4 months, close to 126 days. He was born in May. and we went home in September a week after his due date. The hardest part in the beginning was getting over all the alarms and not freaking out if something beeped. Also, every time I left the hospital I would cry. I felt like I was abandoning him. I know it’s silly but every time he was awake and I had to leave, I wouldn’t leave if he was looking at me. I would always wait until he fell asleep or looked the other way. Some days I stayed an extra 30 mins just because he was still awake, and I didn’t want him to see me leaving him, lol. It was hard not being able to hold him right away. Towards the end of his stay it was harder because I went back to work for a month and was farther away from him if anything did happen.
3. Do you know what caused your premature birth?
I don’t know what caused my son to be early. They said I had a UTI a few days before he was born (they actually called me the day he was born to tell me the results. I was like umm too late lol). So’ it’s possible that caused it. I was born a preemie also at 34 weeks, so maybe that had a small thing to do with it? Or I was also working 40-60 hour weeks when pregnant in a factory picking up boxes, working around chemicals, always on my feet. It wasn’t until close to when I hit 20-21 weeks they gave me 40 hours a week. So, I kinda blame all that also. I ordered paper work from my OBGYN a few days ago to see if it says in her papers why. That way, if I decided to have another I will know why and what I can do to prevent it. Or, at least have a heads up so hopefully it won’t happen again.
4. How are you and your baby doing now?
Parker’s doing great. He just turned 2 (20 adjusted.) No heath problems besides a slight hearing problem in one ear, but you can’t even tell. He does have sensory issues, so having a bit of trouble with baby food. But, we think he’s going to skip it all together, and eat table food. We’re just practicing some more oral mouth skills before we get into that. He’s very active, and loves to climb and dance and had been learning words like crazy. He knows 1-10 and most colors.
5. What advice would you give to a new Preemie mom?
The main advice I would give is it’s OK to ask questions. It’s OK to cry and let it out. It’s OK to tell people no I don’t want anyone to see them or hold them yet. Having a micro preemie is extremely scary with their eyes still being fused, all the cords, thin skin, blood transfusions, tests, new equipment, getting back on old equipment, one step forward 3 steps back, not eating, brain bleeds, eye tests (those terrified me), etc.
It’s a lot to take in. When my son was born I asked a million questions. I was very picky who touched and held him because I didn’t want him catching anything. I didn’t like certain nurses and asked for new ones. I called them constantly day and night to check on him. It’s OK to do all that. The nurses understand, so feel free to bug them (that’s what they get paid for.) Also learn no news is some times good news. I would also recommend making a Facebook page for your little one (I wish I did when he was born. I didn’t make one till he was almost 1). It’s a good way to have people/family follow your baby so you don’t have to constantly repeat yourself. Also, it’s good outlet to let things/feelings out so you’re not keeping it in. It’s good to look back on as they get older and though it seems hard now (if your baby’s still in the NICU) you will look back and think, were they really that small? There are also a lot of great Facebook pages for preemie moms. I would suggest adding all those because there will be many moms who have babies the same gestation or heath issues and they have been exactly in your shoes. It’s great just to talk to other preemie moms because some people unless you have a preemie can’t really relate to it. Just remember even though they are small now, I know it seems hard and it’s forever away, but I promise it gets better. Once you get them home and see them smiling, then starting to crawl and walk and talk. Then they get so huge you that you can’t get clothes fast enough to fit them. All that worrying, crying, and sleepless nights when they were in the hospital will be worth it.
It’s definitely worth it! Thank you so much Molly for sharing your and Parker’s story with us.
rachel Mouton says
What a precious little bundle <3 Thank you so much for sharing your story!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
What an adorable little boy. Such a blessing and a strong fighter!
Cassidy Ciazza-Morelli says
So precious. Bless these babies.
Emilie says
Amazing story!
Sophia says
Wow he is so incredibly cute!!! Thank you for sharing Mama! I am always so happy and thankful when I see a baby under 24 weeks who did well and was able to be helped. When we had out try’s laser surgery at 23 weeks exactly they told me that if it caused my water to break or me to go into labor that they wouldn’t try to save the girls because they weren’t viable for another week. That was hard to make that decision because they told me the possibility of my water breaking was higher than other moms because of how enormous my belly was (baby a had 5 extra liters of fluid) and because it was my 5th pregnancy but we couldn’t wait until 24 weeks because they were almost stage 4 (already in heart failure). It made me so angry that they wouldn’t even try to save them regardless of how big they were or how well they could do. I think the 24 week guideline needs to be abolished completely. Especially when parents WANT their baby to try to survive and because due dates are NOT always exact. Sorry, I’ll step down off of my soap box 🙂 I’m so happy for you and Parker and I hope any future pregnancies can go to term for you!
byecomparison says
No need to step off that soap box! That’s infuriating, arbitrary, and heartless, if you ask me. I hope everything turned out well for your family?
Sophie says
It did, my girls are Evangeline and Noelle, they were featured a few weeks ago and then in the update 🙂 they were born at 25&6 after my water broke at 25&4 because bed rest is just impossible with 4 other little girls at home 🙂
callienicole7 says
I think it’s so sweet that you didn’t want to leave him if he was looking at you! Amazing story, what a little miracle!
Sara Strand says
Absolutely adorable!!! Mamas of preemies are so brave, I can’t even imagine. I really can’t. Big hugs to you all.
pellerini says
He is a sweetie pie! Amazing story 🙂
beckyginther says
Wow, 16 oz. – that is a miracle baby right there. And what a cutie!
Tina says
What a beautiful story. My niece gave birth to a premie a few months ago and she’s now 5 months old and weighs 12 pounds. She smiles and coos and so far I haven’t heard of any issues that will bother her. But her mother said NO MORE CHILDREN because of the difficult task of dealing with the NICU. I hope she changes her mind when Avery grows up and can have a sibling! May God bless you and your beautiful child.
Melissa (Wading Through Motherhood) says
What a cutie! It must be so hard not to be able to hold your baby. I wish Parker and your family the best!
momonthemove35 says
What a great encouraging story to share! I especially appreciated hearing the advice from Mom. It is okay to cry, be particular and handle the situation the best way that works for you! Thanks for sharing this amazing story!
Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says
Aww, Parker is such a cutie pie. I loved all the pictures.
sunshinemomma1017 says
He is so adorable! Glad he is doing well <3
Alex says
Great & moving story. 1% chance? Wow, he sure is a fighter. Totally understand the part about not wanting to leave whilst he was looking.
Wishing Parker & family all the best.
Liz Mays says
It’s so great to see how well he’s doing! I hope you’re able to get some kind of explanation as to why you went early. That would be comforting for next time.
Sicorra says
It is so great to see the wonderful progress that all these little ones are making. Parker is incredibly cute. Wishing him all the best.
laniderrick says
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing story!
Shann says
Thank you for reading! 🙂
Christine - The Choosy Mommy says
My son, who was born in May at 33 weeks and 3 days, had a 14 day NICU stay. I can’t even imagine a longer stay because those 14 days were hard enough!!
Shann says
Any NICU stay is rough!
M from The Stay-at-Home Life says
Oh my goodness he is such a cutie. I’m glad he’s doing well.
Megan VW says
I love micro preemie Monday! So inspiring to see these beautiful babies growing up healthy! And the super moms who make sure it happens!
Shann says
Thank you so much for reading!
Katie @thebrooksielife says
I love reading these stories!! They are so amazing!! He is one cute kiddo!
Jennifer C. says
What a precious little one! Thank you for sharing your story!
Krista says
I love reading all these stories. I don’t have any personal experience with preemies (I had the opposite problem. Mine stayed in almost too long.) so this is very eye opening to me. What strong mamas!
serenemomblog says
What an amazing story. Thank you for sharing, he’s so cute!
Jasmine Espinal says
Amazing! Love seeing preemies all grown, healthy and strong!
Cynthia @craftoflaughter says
so cute! Parker is going to do something great in life!
Beth@FrugalFroggie says
So thankful for all of the preemie babies that become healthy kids.
Shannon P says
Look at that thriving little dude! So happy he is a healthy toddler!
Jessica Lynn says
What a gorgeous little boy!!
Amanda McMahon says
4 months in the NICU! I hope bonding was made up and that all is well!
byecomparison says
What a strong boy! Such an amazing story of survival. I remember waiting for our daughter to fall asleep before leaving every time, too. So hard to be so far away. I remember picking up someone from the airport while our daughter was in the hospital. I caught a glimpse of the downtown Denver skyline and just started balling because that’s where the hospital was and it looked so far away, picturing our tiny babe ALL THE WAY over there was heart-wrenching. SO happy that Parker is so healthy. He’s beautiful. What a blessing 🙂
Elizabeth O. says
It must have been so hard for you, but I’m glad you are way past that now. Parker is so cute!
Ourfamilyworld says
You and Parker are both fighters. I love your story and I hope it inspires other moms who are going through a similar situation.
homesteadwishing says
I am so happy that he is happy and healthy! Thank you for sharing your story!
JessicaACassidy (@wifetoalineman) says
Awww! Look at him growing handsomely and looks very healthy.
Chanel Marie says
I am so happy that you and Parker made it! Your story reminds me of my stay in NICU when I was still a nurse. ^_^
Rosey says
Good for you for speaking up when you thought something was best for you/your child. We just had a preemie born in the family too. She’s home now though and doing great.
Lauren White says
It’s so touching to read all of these stories. I couldn’t imagine delivering a baby that weighed around one pound, but hearing this story made me realize that it’s possible and for a good outcome to happen!
AlmostSexyMommy says
So glad he’s doing well! What a little angel 🙂 I love micro-preemie monday posts!
caitlincheevers says
I can’t imagine my baby having a 1% chance! So scary. He’s wonderful, though!
xo, Caitlin
And Possibly Dinosaurs
Neely (@Neelykins) says
I can’t believe this! How scary! He is beautiful!