Micro Preemie Stories
Every Monday, I share micro preemie stories for a number of different reasons. Not only do these journeys raise awareness for premature birth, but they provide hope and strength to other families going through a similar experience.
When I was pregnant with my twins, I remember looking for micro preemie stories myself. I was so worried that my babies would be born early because it was such a complicated pregnancy. I needed to hold on to the hope that they would be OK when they were born, so I looked to see how young babies could survive. I also looked to see how small some of the amazing survivors were because one of my twins was very behind in growth.
One doctor told me he would never make it to viability, and if he did, he wouldn’t weigh enough.
Luckily, that doctor was wrong. I also had proof that babies that small and that young could survive in the stories that I found, even though there weren’t many.
After my twins birth, I found many support groups, and I realized that there were so many other stories of hope out there. While it was hard for me to find them doing a regular Internet search, it was not hard to find them in these groups.
Which brings us to today, and these amazing micro preemie stories I’m able to share with you each week. Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their journey, including today’s miracle.
I’m honored to bring you Rad, as told by his mom, Meghan.
1. Tell us about your baby.

2. How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?

Our little solider fought hard, and came out on the other side of a very scary time.
3.Do you know what caused your premature birth?

HELLP syndrome had developed as well, and my kidneys and liver were in trouble. An ultrasound showed Rad also had IUGR and was in the 2nd percentile, giving more reason to get him out.
4.How are you and your baby doing now?
We have been home for 5 weeks now and are doing well.
Rad still has some issues with feeding and reflux, but he has improved so much, and we don’t anticipate it being a long-term problem.
He is now 8 lbs and a happy boy. He is being monitored closely by the doctors and dietician to ensure proper growth. Rad also developed ROP in the NICU and has been having weekly eye appointments to monitor the development of it for a couple of months now.
He is smiling lots, and is working on his tummy time and 2 month milestones everyday.
We love seeing him grow and change daily!

5. What advice would you give to a new preemie family?

More Micro Preemie Stories
Thank you again to Meghan for sharing sweet and strong Rad with us. Please leave any supportive comments for them below.
I am always in need of more micro preemie stories to share, so if you or someone you know would be interested, please click HERE.
Thank you for sharing this story!! It is good to hear these positive stories sometimes!
That #Ladiesman onsie is perfect! My heart is so happy to read that he is doing well. Sending continued prayers to him and his family!
Bless you! As a mother of multiples (I have twins too!) I totally understand the stress of having baby admitted to the NICU. Our Baby B (our daughter) was admitted directly after birth, thankfully, ours was just preventive and she was out shortly after. I’ll continue to keep you all in my prayers, and look forward to updates as he progresses!
I’m so happy he is doing great! I’m not a mum and I still get super emotional reading these stories, he is truly a little soldier!
This is such an inspirational post and truly a great story. Thank you for sharing this!
Awww, I’m so glad to hear this has a happy ending, but my goodness… to spend more than 100 days in NICU. that had to be so difficult on everyone 🙁
Sending all my love and hugs and prayers to you all. Thank you for sharing this story with us <3
My son was a preemie and we had a short stint in the NICU. It was the hardest time in my life and I can’t even imagine had he been a micro preemie. I’m so glad Rad is doing well!
Oh precious. The NICU is a blessing and a hardship all at once. Glad he’s healthy and growing:)
Over 100 days in the hospital with a baby requires a lot of strength!!! I am so glad he is doing well!!
What a sweet little warrior! He is a wonderful testimony to the value of LIFE! This post was shared in perfect timing with the anniversary of Roe V Wade– I hope this story reaches someone who needs it most!
these babies are such amazing blessings!! As are the mamas, dads, and NICU staff that care for them!
So glad to see that Rad is thriving! My sister was a preemie and spent one month in the NICU so I love reading stories like these. 🙂