As you know, my twin boys spent 91 and 93 days in the NICU. It was a long journey, but we were all very excited to be home as a family together. Especially their big brother! He only had seen them through a window until they got home.
Even though we had three months to prepare for the boys coming home, I didn’t feel prepared at all. They were still fairly tiny…around 6 lbs and 4 lbs…and I’d never had a preemie before. What would I do without the nurses around? How would I know if something was wrong without all those machines beeping and alerting me? Even though I had a newborn before, how would I handle two at once? I am a worrier by nature, but this experience intensified everything.
I also wasn’t sure if I could handle them being readmitted to the hospital, so I wanted to make sure I had everything to keep them as germ free as possible. They came home in August, so Flu/RSV season was also right around the corner. Many NICU nurses warned me how severe either of those could be for my babies.
So, I armed myself with the best defenses I could think of. From hand sanitizer to cleaning wipes, I got ready to keep my babies healthy.
I’ve compiled a list of the preemie essentials I used. This is not just a list of items like bedding or gear, but items that can give you a little piece of mind when there are no more hospital monitors or nurses watching over your precious little one. These items saved my sanity a little.
I have not been sponsored by any of these companies. They are all items that we used, and that I found helpful. I’ve included my affiliate links through Amazon, which will provide me with a little help to keep my blog going, if you make a purchase. Simply click the picture, and it will take you right to the item.
My bigger guy came home with a monitor from the hospital because he had an episode right before he left. My little guy did not, so I was completely panicked that he would stop breathing, and I wouldn’t have any monitor to alert me. We had used an Angelcare Monitor with my first son, but we would get false readings when he would move off the pad. Also, the twins weren’t going to sleep in a crib right away, so I needed something portable. Luckily, I found Snuza.
Snuza is a portable monitor that clips right onto the baby’s diaper. It will alarm if there is no movement detected after 10 seconds. It really helped me sleep better knowing this was on my son. As soon as my bigger guy came off his hospital monitor, I bought one of these for him too. I definitely recommend getting an extra battery made by the company because I found it really hard to find a replacement when I needed one. The original battery did last over 6 months, though.
I do want to point out, however, that monitors like these are not a perfect solution. User error can happen, so you should still follow your doctor/NICU’s advice such as nothing extra (blankets, pillows) in the crib, putting the baby to sleep on their back, and in their own space to reduce SIDS. These monitors may make you feel better, but they are by no means fool proof.
In addition to having a monitor right on my babies, once I moved them to their own rooms (after about 3 months,) I still needed to be able to see them. I decided on a video monitor. I just went with one that had two different cameras, so I could see each baby. I only left them up until they were mobile because then I was worried they might reach the cords.
As I mentioned, my babies did not sleep in cribs right away. I wanted to be close by for those 3 hour feedings at night. Plus, I just felt better having them in my room. Our room is pretty small, so I decided on the Fisher Price Rock ‘N Plays. Not only were they really easy to move from room to room, but they rock, and they are tilted up at an angle, in case there are any reflux issues. One word of warning…they do have a plastic support inside, so be conscious of rotating your baby’s head so they don’t get a flat spot.
As I also mentioned, I was super anxious about my babies getting sick and having to go back to the hospital. To avoid this, we really isolated ourselves, and if we did have a visitor, they needed to also use hand sanitizer. In addition, I liked having Clorox wipes around the house to wipe door knobs, light switches, etc. For any of my older son’s toys, I used a baby safe alternative wipe. It may sound crazy, but we made it through FLU/RSV season without any sickness.
I also was paranoid about germs on their bottles and my pumping equipment. These microwave sterilizing bags saved my sanity many, many times.
One last thing I kept in the house was disposable gloves. My hands would get raw and chapped from so much hand washing, so this was a good alternative. I would put on a pair before a diaper change, then not have to wash after. I would put lotion on my hands at night, then wear the gloves to help heal them. I used a latex and powder free glove, in case of any allergies.
Although we didn’t go many places, when we did, I wanted my babies protected…from germs, people touching them, etc. I’m not sure what it is about babies, but people can’t seem to stop themselves from poking their heads way to close for my comfort. These covers and signs helped a little bit. I think my evil stare helped the rest back off.
When they were older, and we did go out, I was still paranoid about germs. I got covers which worked for shopping carts, as well as high chairs. Don’t worry…I always wiped them down first too.
Well, I think that’s about all the “must have” items that helped me out. Is there any items I’m missing? What kinds of things to you use with your baby? What made you feel better and safer at home?
This is a great list, very informative and I’m sure it will be useful to people 🙂
Thank you!
Great tips! We didn’t have a premie but our first was in the NICU for 3 weeks.
The NICU is tough, preemie or not. I hope your baby is OK now.
Wow! Who knew that so much went into have these little creatures! Looks like you were a prepared mom! Way to go!
🙂 thank you!
When the missus and I had our first we met another couple in the hospital that had had twins about a month before and were expected to stay for another two months. It’s inspiring how you managed to make the best of it.
What a resourceful post! You sure do know what you’re walking about…you got a good list of products here.
Thank you!
you were very prepared. Hope those little ones stay healthy
I’m on the fence for baby #4, and it’s mostly because I have a fear I’ll end up with twins and go from 3 kids to 5. That and I don’t know how I would even handle twins on my own during the day!
We went for number four and ended up with a hitchhiker! My ex 26 weeker, ID boys spent 96 days in the NICU. I can say for us, it was harder to go from two to three, than it was from three to five.
A Hitchhiker! That’s hilarious! I hope your boys are doing great now.
I’m not a mom, but this seems like a great list for moms-to-be!
Thank you!
This is such an important post with some of my favorites items!! I am going to share on my FB page- I think SO many people need to know about these! (The medela bags are my faves!)
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!
Yes to everything! My daughter was a preemie baby and I was happy but terrified to bring her home. Haha! I loved her rock n play. I wasn’t ready to have her in another room but didn’t want a tiny baby in the “family bed”.
Exactly! Thank you so much for reading! 🙂
I don’t have any babies yet but I will keep this list handy for when I do! Thanks!
Great! Thanks for reading!
Those all look like very useful products. I like all of the monitors that are available these days to help parents out. Oh, and you are not the only one that goes around wiping door knobs and light switches with Clorox wipes. I do it too, all the time 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Twins! Such a blessing but I can imagine a lot of work.
Yes to both 🙂
How scary it is bringing a new baby home but two and then two preemies!! And you did it successfully!!
🙂 Thank you!
These look like great items to help fend off germs and keep babies safe. I can’t imaging how nerve wrecking it can be with premises and compromised immune systems, must seem like the whole world is your enemy germ wise.
Yes! It was very scary…but we made it! Thanks for reading! 🙂
These are some great ideas. I have so many friends who are pregnant right now for the first time – I’ll pass these along!
Awesome! thank you!
You have put together a great list. My son was born 5 pounds and 10 oz. He was the tiniest out of my three babies. I didn’t know what to do with such a little baby. Your son looks like he is such a proud big brother!
Yes, he called them “my babies” for the longest time. 🙂
We love our summer wi-fi baby monitor! Every time some one sees it they immediately buy one. It’s truly the most awesome monitor in the world. So glad your children were able to come and that they have grown to be such awesome look children! <3
Thank you!
Awww! They are so precious and big brother is very excited finally to spend time with his twin brothers. I wish you all the luck. I hope that you will get all your help from family and friends as well. I had a preemie who is 12 years old now but he was 5 pounds and 4 ounces when he was born but came home and weigh only 4 pounds.
It’s so nice to hear stories about older preemies. Thanks for sharing!
Although a monitor is just a component of a new mom’s arsenal, it’s a good one to have!
Yes, thank you!
I have the snuza and thought it was a great item to have, and I didn’t have a preemie! Great list!
Thank you! Yes, I wish I would have had it with my first. I think it would have allowed me to sleep better.
Glad to hear that you are finally home after three months at the Nicu. Now you can finally take care of them and hold them whenever you like.
Thank you!
This is a great list and I think you have prepared well for them. So nice that the babies are home.
Thank you!
The rock n play (we just called ours the bouncy seat) was the best invention ever. We had that and a swing that totally saved my life. There were so many times she just wanted to be rocked, but with me being so sick after she was born and H working, I just couldn’t do it as much as she wanted. The swing saved us all, lol. Of course, she was 4lbs when she came home and the swings aren’t really made for that low of a weight, so i made a bag of rice that H attached to the bottom outside of the seat until she was big enough that the low setting wasn’t a terrifying roller coaster ride without the rice. 🙂
Ha! That’s so creative attaching a bag of rice. My little guy was barely 4 lbs too. Now, I can’t even remember how tiny that was!
6 and a half years when we brought our preemie girl home we spent the first few nights basically staring at her, terrified that something would go wrong. And like you said, how would we know without anything to monitor and BEEP! We were terrified. We found the Anglecare monitor and our lives were changed. I think it was the only one of its kind at the time (that we found, anyway). Such a huge peace of mind and being able to sleep again was huge.
A remember slapping away a stranger’s hand at the grocery store when she asked to see my baby and began to reach out to touch her. HA! My first inadvertent protective mama bear moment. But also, why would you reach out your germy hand and touch someone’s face—especially a teensy person?? People. 😉
Exactly! I’ve never understood people reaching in and getting so close to babies either. Drives me crazy! Thanks for reading 🙂
Technology has improved so much and it sure does help parents. I’m glad your twins are doing well
Thank you!
It’s so hard to feel prepared with one, but with twins and preemies, I can only imagine. Congrats to you. You have a beautiful family, enjoy every minute!
thank you!
My son was a premie and in the NICU as well but I could not imagine having 2. That makes you a strong woman. I never used a monitor, but surely it would have helped me in a lot of ways but I do understand the user error part.
Thank you!
So glad your precious babies are OK. Great list! My daughter has had two beautiful girls (my only grandchildren so far) and she has been equally careful about what she uses on and around them.
Thank you!
Such great product tips for new mommies! I am so glad your little ones are ok now!
Thank you!
This was a good, detailed post that can work with any new mom in preps for there baby. I really like that bear sign…I wish I had that when mine little!
Thank you! Isn’t it great?!