It’s been way too long since I posted, but it’s also been way too busy around here! But, it’s been a good kind of busy.
First up, let’s get my health stuff out-of-the-way. I feel like I’ve been taking up way too much of this blog talking about myself, when I’d rather be writing about my kids. BUT, I did want to share that my CT scan of my chest and abdomen came out clear. This was in one way a GREAT relief, but in another it was frustrating. I’m still experiencing all my symptoms of congestion, cough, and general ickiness, but now have no idea what to do next. I’m going to talk to my regular doctor again, and maybe he’ll have some ideas for me.
Ok. Enough about me. On to the good stuff! The babies had their 18 month check-up. 18 months. I still can’t believe it. They are only 15 months adjusted, since they were born 15 weeks early, but still. In case you don’t “get” the adjusted age thing, I’m going to include a definitions page very soon. It will include all those acronyms and medical terms that I just find myself rattling off now. Anyways, 18 months. It was a big milestone.
My bigger guy is still bigger. He’s now in the 75th percentile for weight on the REGULAR chart. Not the preemie chart. The Regular Chart! He weighs almost 27 lbs! His head size is also in that percentile, but his height is only in the 50th. The 50th percentile is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention that is on the Regular Chart NOT the preemie chart!
My little guy is still little, but he made it to the regular chart for weight too. WOO HOO! He is almost 22 lbs, which is the 15th percentile. This is also on the Regular Chart!!!!!!! His height didn’t quite make it, but he’s progressing at a great pace, and the doctor was happy.
The Doctor was so happy, in fact, with all of their progress, they still do not need any therapy services. This is HUGE. It means no going out in Flu/RSV bitter winter temperatures to a physical therapist. It also means the boys are doing GREAT. Big boy is walking/running everywhere, and little guy is slowly getting there. He always chooses crawling when he wants to get somewhere fast, but he’s getting better walking between me and my husband. And the other day, he just took off walking from his place where he was holding on the couch. His twin and my 4 year old are going to get him running very soon.
Besides health stuff, the other thing keeping me busy is fundraising. I’ve been working on a couple TTTS Fundraisers that I mentioned in my last post. In addition to helping sell T-shirts for the “Walker and Willis Birthday Walk to Fight TTTS,” I put together an online auction. I wanted to raise money for any incidentals that may come up putting on the walk, and whatever is left over can go to the charity too.
The Auction took place last week, and it was a little more work than I anticipated….BUT well worth it. It took a little while to get the ball rolling and get donations, but once people started, it was awesome. We had tons of gift cards, beautiful one-of-a-kind artwork, Scentsy stuff, and a few IPad/Iphone accessories. People were so generous, and it truly made me so happy. We also did pretty good with the bidding part…only one item was left without a home. It ended last Friday, and I’ve gotten everything I had mailed out, all monies are accounted for, and everyone else should be mailing stuff out this week. Once I get confirmation that everyone has gotten everything they’re supposed to, I will call it a success. I am then going to send the money to the founder of the walk. I haven’t released the total yet because I want it to be a nice surprise. I think she will be happy.
So, that’s what’s been going on here lately. We’re looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with the family this year, unlike last year when we were on “lockdown” because of the babies’ fragile immune systems. It will be nice to sit at the grown-ups table or even the kid’s table.
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend, and that you get to spend it with the ones you love. And EAT A LOT!!!!!!!!
Oh! I almost forgot! November is Prematurity Awareness Month. This is a cause VERY close to my heart, as my boys were born at 25 weeks, 5 days. Prematurity causes many issues that people are not aware of or just don’t understand. I, for one, would have had no idea had I not gone thru it myself.
I’m going to include a page on this blog with some of those issues, as well. Please feel free to ask me any questions or check out the March of Dimes website. They are an organization dedicated to putting an end to Prematurity and saving the lives of babies.
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