With all of this wonderful freezing weather, we’ve been going a little stir crazy. Even my oldest, who was so excited for snow, has had enough. Yesterday he said, “Just go away snow. I’m done with you.” My sentiments exactly.
I would love to be able to take the kids out to some indoor play areas, but it’s just not possible yet. The twins’ immune systems are not quite up to handling all those germs yet, and I’m not ready for my oldest to bring those germs back home again. We’re up 2 ear infections this winter compared to our isolated winter last year. Plus, my little guy STILL has a runny nose. It is partially from teething, but it is not fun to have to suction him out every morning. It’s even less fun for him. Poor guy.
BUT, even though we’re stuck indoors for the time being, the boys are still having fun. In fact, the twins are really starting to notice each other, and even smile/play with each other, instead of ripping toys out of each others’ hands. Now, the ripping still happens, but at least it’s interrupted by some laughs and giggles. You know all those lovely pictures you see of twins cuddling, sleeping next to each other, or holding hands? Well, not my two…until very recently. Now, I’m not saying we are really cuddling yet, but we are smiling at each other, and that just makes me so happy. I think they are on the verge of realizing they have a built-in playmate for life.
My four-year-old really wants the twins to be able to play with him, and they are almost there, but still not quite as strong or fast as he would like. I’m sure at this time next year, he’ll long for the days where he was able to catch them and take their toys. I foresee tag team trouble in his future. I can’t wait!
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