My weekend did not start off on a good note.
I had been getting ready for our Twin Club Rummage sale all week, so by the time the actual sale day came, I was already pretty tired. My husband took off work, so I could go help set-up on Friday afternoon.
I got there, my Dad came with to bring some extra stuff, and we got unloading with everyone else. We had the door propped open with one of those little door holders, so I was rushing back and forth at a pretty good pace. On my return trip to the car, I didn’t realize the door stopper had come out, shutting the door. What I thought was the opening, was actually a clear pane of glass next to the now closed door.
I was the bird.
It took me a second to realize what happened, then the tears sprang to my eyes, and I rushed to the bathroom. My nose was not a pretty site. And it felt even better.
So, in addition to being tired, I now had a raging headache, nose-ache, and felt like an idiot. I had to keep a bandage over my nose because it wouldn’t stop bleeding, so I’m pretty sure everyone at the rummage thought I’d had a nose job. Or was just a weirdo with a bandage on my face.
Aside from my “accident,” and even though we didn’t get as many people as we’d hoped, I did get rid of a lot of stuff at the rummage. I still have enough for another rummage sale, but at least there’s a few extra spots open in our basement now.
In other happenings, we are less than a week away from the March for Babies. We are sooooooo close to our goal, and I know we’ll make it by next Saturday. I am, however, disappointed in my Online Auction.
I raised over $800 in my auction for The Walker and Willis Birthday Walk to Fight TTTS, so I figured I would have no trouble raising a lot of money for the March of Dimes. I guess I didn’t realize that everyone was probably sick of me bugging them for money or asking them to join another fundraiser. To be fair, I have already had 3 Online fundraiser parties, and I have a restaurant fundraiser coming up this week. Maybe I took on too much or pushed people to much, but it is just such an important cause, I couldn’t help myself.
The part that disappoints me the most, is I feel I’m failing the people who have been so generous to donate to the auction. I have beautiful handmade items and awesome items from people’s own businesses. If I could, I would just bid on them all.
The auction goes through tomorrow, Monday, April 20th, so if you somehow missed all my millions of postings, please just click HERE to see all the great stuff.
Well, I’m off to ice my nose, and hope for a good Monday.
I’m sorry about your nose and good luck with the auction!
Thank you Tonya! They both are doing better today!
Oh man, I’ve been the bird more times than Id like to admit! I’m sorry that you had to rock the “nose-job” look but at least you got rid of some items. We really need to purge our home and donate a lot of stuff.
Yes, the next step is definitely donation. Feels good to get rid of stuff!
I’m terribly sorry about your accident – I had a friend that walked straight through a door once he was really lucky that it didn’t cut him to pieces.
Oh my goodness! Yes, luckily no glass breaking. Hope your friend is OK!
It happens to the best of us doesn’t it?! I end up being the bird for. While and then later… I find myself flying… Avoiding windows. Good luxk
Ha ha! Thank you!
Oh no! I’m so terribly sorry to hear about your nose. Although, I have to give you a huge high-five for coming up with the cutest-ever way of describing what happened … the bird and the window … just so clever! Really, though, I hope you’re feeling so much better by now, and that everything went really well yesterday. I’m so impressed to read about all the endless, dedicated hard work you put into trying to make a true difference in our world and help so many worthy organizations. I realize I don’t even know you and we’ll probably never meet, but thank you, thank you for being such a selfless and good person … and for working so hard to make our world better for others. 😀
Thank you so much! Your comment definitely made my day! My nose is slowly getting better, and the auction ended up doing better than I thought. Thanks again for the support.
You are doing so much, way to go. When it’s for a good cause it’s so worth it. I hope the online auction turned out well and your nose is healing. Have good rest of the week.