Spring Break 2017
Only 96 hours and 12 minutes left of Spring Break 2017…but who’s counting?! I’m guessing most moms.
It’s not that I don’t love being with my kids, but for some reason when they have a break from school/routine, it is utter chaos. Fighting over everything, whining when they don’t get their way, and demanding everything from me.
“Mom, wipe my hand. It’s sticky.”
“Mom, I’m thirsty. Get me my drink NOW.”
“Mom, I’m bored. Entertain me.”
Ok. They don’t actually say that last one, but they definitely whine about being bored.
So, even with all of the complaining, crappy rainy weather, and 3 cases of strep throat during our Spring Break 2017, there are still 5 things I’m happy about this Friday.
5 Good Things
#1 Grandmas and Grandpas
Mr. B got to spend 2 nights with one set of grandparents. He enjoyed spending time with them, and also the time away from his brothers.
The twins got to go to the zoo, the park, and story hour with their other Grandpa. They also got to spend a couple of hours with my mom, as she volunteered to stay with the sick ones while I finally got back to the gym.
My Dad is having surgery this morning, so please send your good thoughts, prayers, and love his way pretty please.
#2 YouTube
With Strep throat going around the house, there was a bit of couch time going on as well. My husband finally downloaded YouTube on our TV, and the twins have been obsessed watching it. They are basically super long commercials for new toys. Since we don’t ever watch regular TV (we have Netflix/Hulu/Amazon) they never see commercials. This is now their favorite thing.
Mr. B also likes watching some kind of Minecraft demonstration.
#3 Family Time
Despite the sickness, we did get a few things in between Mr. B getting sick and passing it to the twins.
On Sunday night, we took my husband’s VW Bus, and went out to eat. We also gave the boys a summer haircut! (Well, 2 of 3 in this picture, but we got the third the next day!)
I took all the boys to see the new Smurfs movie. They loved it. Laughing out loud, and staying in their seats the whole time definitely means two thumbs up!
#4 The Vampire Diaries and the Gym
So, I’m at least 7 years behind on discovering this show (and about 20 years too old to be watching it!) but I’m obsessed. I try to limit myself to 2 episodes a night, but sometimes I sneak in a third. There are 171 episodes on Netflix, but I’m burning through them really fast.
It’s silly, dramatic, and a little gross, but I can’t get enough.
I’ve also made it back to the gym this week, since last week I wasn’t feeling so great. I love my group workouts!
#5 Easter
Luckily, I shopped way ahead of time for most of the boys’ Easter stuff. I got their baskets on clearance last year, and I think they will all be super excited to see them. I’ve also found a few toys that they’ve been wanting.
Now, if only they can wait…they’ve been asking if it’s Easter every day for about 2 weeks now.
Happy Holidays
I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! And hang in there moms….Tuesday will be here before you know it!
How was your Spring Break 2017? Did you have fun? Did you go somewhere warm? Share all your good stuff with me in the comments.
My girls enjoyed sleeping in for spring break! The Internet kept breaking, but we spent a day outside yesterday, visiting the botanical gardens nearby. I love how you parent. There’s so much love there.
Thank you so much Eli! I really appreciate that!
No fun for them getting sick on Spring Break! Sounds like you made the most of it!
Awww, your boys look so cute with their haircuts π Hope you all have a happy Easter AND that everyone is a-okay just in time to celebrate the holiday this weekend. i know you guys were dealing with some major sickies last week.
I’ve never seen Vampire Diaries but had a friend who was totally obsessed with it! I’ll have to check it out π PS: your pics are adorable. Glad you guys had a fun spring break (though I’m sure you’re ready to return to a regular routine by now)! XOXO
It sounds like you were able to fit in some fun things this week, though I can understand wanting Spring Break to be over. π I’m glad they loved the Smurfs – I really liked it too.
I will have to bring Jake to see the smurfs.
I need a new show to binge. I will have to check it out.
Happy Easter. Have a good weekend.
So fun! So many spring things. I can’t wait for our bus roadtrip! This picture had me all excited. I can’t wait for EAster either. I miss the basket days. haha.
Your boys are so cute and I love going to the movies. I’ve never watched Vampire Diaries but maybe I should start! You’re never too old for a good TV show. π
How exciting!! Happy Easter to your family! I’m super thankful for grandparents as well! My family has been super involved with my kids recently because we’re moving to Vietnam soon! I’m so thankful for this time that my kids get to spend with them π
My 9 year old stepkid LOVES watching minecraft stuff on youtube. There’s even a guy based out of the UK (I think his name is Dan) who had a world tour because his minecraft channel is so hugely popular, and my stepkid went to see him live.
Wow. That’s crazy! I had no idea. My son would probably love to see him live too.
Happy Easter Shann! It always appears that illness hits all at once – and when the expectation is to be having fun and resting.. not recuperating. So glad you were able to have a good moments. Also, is the photo really your husband’s VW? I thought “how cool” if that is their bus when I clicked on it. Happy Easter.
Yes! It’s his! π Thank you!
Great list Momma! You must be relishing in a bit of the quiet this week compared to last. And now that spring break is over, you’ll hear, “Mom” …. “Mom”… “Mom”… “Mom” “Mom?” a little less. π
Yay for family time and resting up, even if a bunch of you guys were sick.
I LOVE your VW van, that’s awesome π
Have a great week my friend. xo
Thank you! Yes, I’m loving being back to routine. Hope you have a wonderful week too!