My oldest had his last swimming lesson on Friday. We all got to go and watch, then go to the pool play area after. It was FINALLY hot and sunny, which made for a great swim lesson, but made for very irritated twins that were just watching for a half hour. So, after watch my little swimmer jump off the diving board for the first time, I had to take the twins to get in the other pool.
Luckily, my Mom and Dad were with me, or I’m not sure how I would have juggled them all. My Dad was in the pool for the lesson, and my Mom came with me and the twins. I seriously tip my hat to all you single parents.
I also had the twins in their “backpacks.” Now, I know some of you will shake your head or disapprove, but I find them helpful with the twins. Even though they really are a little “leash,” if it keeps my twins within my reach and in my sight, I will use them proudly. I’d rather get dirty looks, than have one of my babies disappear. They may be little, but they are quick and determined when they want to be. There are also lots of crazy people in this world, and I’m not going to take a chance when I fought so hard to get them here in the first place.
Even though it was hard being confined and isolated indoors for the past two winters, I have to admit it was easier. Now that they are older, whenever we go outside, they do not want to be stuck in their stroller. They want to run, and climb, and push, and put everything into their mouths.
Taking all three boys outside is an event in itself. They are just all so active and curious, which is wonderful, yet scary. They run into the street, and just laugh when I tell them no. Timeouts don’t really work either.
BUT, we do have a small fenced in area in the back. Right now it is mud and weeds, but my husband is working on getting it ready for play. Some sod, some rugs on the cement patio, and we’re good to go. It will give me a chance to relax for a second, and still let the boys be outside in the sunshine…if it comes back out again.
cristina cassidy says
Hey, there is nothing wrong with putting our kids on a leash!! The first time your twins run in opposite directions you go “oh, leashes, yes definitely.” Leashes are awesome!
dirtandnoise says
Thank you! I’m glad someone else sees the beauty in leashes!