A family pet is a huge decision. It's been almost 12 years since we got married, and 11 since we started our family. I brought a cat into our marriage, and Mr. B has been a fish owner for a couple of years, but we got our first family pet this past week. It wasn't a decision we came to easily or quickly. So, I'm sharing what made our decision and how our family pet ownership … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Adoption: Brody’s Story
Micro Preemie Adoption Adoption is a challenging, emotional, and amazing process. So many lives are changed and impacted. Now, imagine a family adopting a baby that is born extremely premature. Micro preemie adoption requires a very brave and special family. As with any micro preemie journey, you never know where it will take you. Going through that experience with a baby … [Read more...]
Adoption of a Micro Preemie: Mason and Michael’s Story
Adoption Adoption is an amazing gift. It is not always an easy process, and it is often a very emotional one for everyone involved. I, personally, don't have any experience with adoption, however, I have friends that have been through the process. I have seen the heartache and the obstacles that can stand in the way. I have also seen the immense happiness and beautiful … [Read more...]