Why is there such a debate over wearing a mask? Masks are not Republicans or Democrats. They are not some great threat to your freedom. No one is trying to impose a huge dress code on the United State. A mask is just a mask. Lately, people seem to be attaching so much meaning to a simple face covering. From an infringement on their rights to an indication of political … [Read more...]
Favorite VW Bus Gifts: No License Required
The VW Bus is a prominent fixture in our family. It all started with my husband, Andy, who is an owner of a VW Bus and also a member of a bus club. When we were dating, and even after we were first married, I'd accompany him on camping trips and outings in the bus. Now that we have the boys, we don't use the bus as much. It doesn't have seatbelts in the backseats, so if we … [Read more...]
Self-Care Gifts that Everyone will Love
Self-care gifts aren't all facial masks and wine. Sure, sometimes they are, but there's really more to it. Self-care gifts are things that make you feel better inside and out. At it's root, self-care is about nurturing your body and mind, and making sure you feel good so that you can be at your best. It's about being healthy in all aspects of your life, finding balance, and … [Read more...]
Lifesavers: Money, Time, Space and Sanity
Lifesavers Everyone is always looking for new ways to get organized, save time, and save money. Plus, when you find things that help you, it definitely saves your sanity too. If your days are filled with activities, your house is filled with clutter, and your bank account isn't filled at all, I've rounded up some products that have literally been lifesavers to me. They give me … [Read more...]
Twin Boy Party: Lightning Vs. Thomas
Twin Boy Party 6 years home from the NICU. No re-admittance. Normal development. Time to celebrate with a Twin Boy Party...or as we like to call it a NICUversary! Since the twins birth was traumatic for me, I'm more in the mood to celebrate their homecoming than their actual birth. The twins certainly don't mind, since they get double the presents each year. This was the … [Read more...]