Pink Eye In addition to the normal craziness around here, the twins were both diagnosed with Pink Eye 2 weeks ago. (On a side note, some websites spell it Pinkeye and not "Pink Eye," but that looked weird to me!) While it's super annoying and a lot of fun to treat, Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) is not usually serious. However, it is very, very contagious. Since this is the … [Read more...]
On the edge of viability, Malik’s Story
Viability During my pregnancy, I was always told that even though I was having complications, there was really nothing that could be done until I reached viability, which was 24 weeks. When I reached viability, that was a huge milestone for me. I knew the doctors would try to save my babies if they were in trouble, and even though the odds of survival were low, they still … [Read more...]