Dr. Seuss Party A Dr. Seuss Party theme is pretty popular for twin birthdays. Thing 1 and Thing 2 are twins after all! Since we don't usually have a traditional party around their actual birthday, we went with a Dr. Seuss Party theme for their 4th NICUversary. This past August 1st and 3rd marks the fourth year that they've been out of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at our … [Read more...]
Birthday Party Time!
It's that time of year again...Birthday Party Time! In less than a week, my oldest will be turning 6-years-old. That is a little crazy to me. What's also crazy is that we have a birthday party coming up on Sunday, and I'm feeling a little unprepared. Yes, I have been buying decorations for quite a while now, and yes, we have made a list of the food we want to serve, but … [Read more...]