Potty Ah, the potty. Between potty training and living with 4 boys, the bathroom is definitely not my favorite room in the house. Well, at least it didn't used to be. Of course, I can never go in alone, but that's not even the problem I'm talking about. I'm talking about sitting on a wet toilet seat or stepping in something wet and praying that it is only water from the … [Read more...]
Staying healthy during the holidays
Germ Factories Keeping healthy has been hard this fall. With my oldest in kindergarten this year, and the twins going to a childcare center for the first time (at the gym,) we've had a lot of runny noses, coughs, and snot. Lots and lots of snot. Ugh. Holiday Health Since Christmas will be here next week, I thought I'd share my best ideas for keeping healthy, as well as a few … [Read more...]
Guest Post – The Second Baby
I did not have the "typical" second baby experience. Early on in my second pregnancy, even when I was just thinking about having another baby, I thought about all the things I would do differently or improve upon when my second baby arrived. All of this went out the window when first, we found out we were having twins, and second, when there were lots of complications. For … [Read more...]