Different Emotions From fear to anger, it is completely normal to experience a wide range of different emotions when your baby is fighting for their life in the NICU. Strange as it may sound, the first emotion I experienced after my babies were born was relief. I was so happy that they were both born alive, and I didn't need to make any more decisions about when/if to … [Read more...]
An Older Preemie: Lindsey’s Story
Older Preemie As a mother, it's normal to wonder what your kids will be like as they grow-up and think about their future. When they are born extremely premature, it adds another layer of worry. I constantly look for stories about an older preemie to give myself reassurance that everything will be OK for them. Obviously, no child's future is guaranteed, premature or not. … [Read more...]
Many Miracles, Sophia’s Story
Miracles Whether you believe in miracles or not, today's Micro Preemie Monday story is pretty amazing. Coincidentally, today's story features a baby named Sophia, who battled IUGR, just as another Sophia did, who we met two weeks ago. While their stories are uniquely their own, those similarities are very important. I know I feel a connection when I can find details that … [Read more...]