NICU Support The NICU is one of the toughest, most emotional experiences a person can have. Whether you have a partner or not, co-workers or friends, a nurse or a fellow preemie parent, you must have some type of NICU support to make it through. No matter how strong you are, or think you are, you can't do it alone. Some people are lucky enough to have a supportive partner … [Read more...]
Identical Twin Differences: Leah and Layla’s Story
Identical Twin Differences Are they twins? Are they identical? Those are two questions that I get all the time. While my boys may look similar, there are identical twin differences that make people question me. My boys were born with a height and weight difference, and it has continued to this day. They also have a few developmental differences, which are a direct result of … [Read more...]
A TTTS Journey with Amanda and Andy
Twin Mom Support Both during and after my twin pregnancy, I was lucky enough to find a great support system online. I found a great group of twin moms that had been through or were going through TTTS (Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome.) One of those moms that I met was Amanda. Not only have I gotten to talk to Amanda and her husband, Andy, in our Facebook group, but I got … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Twins Gabriel and Victor
December 7th It is a special Micro Preemie Monday today! We are meeting Micro Preemie Twins today. Thank you for joining us! Today, December 7th, is World TTTS Awareness Day. In honor of that, and to bring more awareness, we will be meeting Micro Preemie Twins Gabriel and Victor, who are TTTS Survivors. Thank you so much to their Mom, Van, for sharing their story, as well … [Read more...]
Week Sneak Peak
Beginning of Another Week Hello! Happy Sunday! I hope you had a great week, and are having a great weekend. I also hope you all had a chance to view our video for the TTTS Awareness Challenge. Even though it wasn't the easiest video to make, it was very important. Here it is one more time, in case you missed it, and you can read the post right HERE (It's only about 2 minutes … [Read more...]