Identical Twin Differences
Are they twins? Are they identical? Those are two questions that I get all the time. While my boys may look similar, there are identical twin differences that make people question me. My boys were born with a height and weight difference, and it has continued to this day. They also have a few developmental differences, which are a direct result of their conditions in the womb.
My boys had a very unequal share of the placenta, as well as TTTS. This resulted in them being born extremely early, one being a lot smaller than the other, and as a result, one struggling more in the NICU to survive.
I try not to let people’s questions upset me, but sometimes it is just a painful reminder of the huge fight they experienced to even get where they are today. However, it’s also a reminder of what true miracles they are, no matter what their identical twin differences.
Today’s mother has had a very similar experience with identical twin differences. Her sweet girls share many similarities to my boys, and their mother’s story also brought back many feelings from my pregnancy. However, their story is unique and very inspiring. I’m very happy to introduce you to identical twin girls Leah and Layla, as told by their mom, Roselin.
1.Tell us about your babies.
I have identical twin girls, Leah and Layla. They were born at 27-28 weeks on September 27th, 2015. Leah was one pound, and Layla was three pounds.

2.Do you know the reason for your premature birth?

3.Tell us about your NICU stay.

4. How are you and your babies doing now?

5. What advice would you give to new preemie parents?

What a miraculous story. Leah and Layla may not be exactly identical but they are equally beautiful.
So interesting! My dad is an identical twin and I’ve always wondered about some of that. Roselin, Leah and Layla are gorgeous! Good job momma!
These stories always amaze me, and I love seeing the photos of how the babies have grown and thrived! Such strong parents and family members. They are an inspiration to others.
Wow. I never knew there could be so many complications in pregnancy. Thanks Shann Eva for enlightening me about all the miracle babies out there, and the courageous mothers that care for them. These two girls are beautiful, and I’m glad Leah is still fighting and growing.
What a courageous Mom! I love that she fought for her baby girl and look how incredibly it turned out. It must be incredibly difficult to have identical twins with such pronounced differences. Strangers comments can be harsh. I’m so grateful you brought this to our attention!
oh wow-they are so precious! they DO look different, but they are so sweet and amazing and special!!
Omg what a story! I never really knew that there could be a difference like that. Glad the girls are doing good these days! Such little fighters
These babies are beautiful! What little fighters. Bless them <3