Hello friends! Let's Catch up with some Life Updates! It's been entirely too long since I've written a blog post. It's been a combination of writer's block, lack of motivation, and day-to-day duties. Why is there always a pile of laundry? Why do my kids always need snacks? Who stole all the matching socks? Anyways, I thought I would ease myself back into writing by sharing … [Read more...]
Mammogram: What to Expect Your First Time
Mammogram Another bonus of getting older and turning the big 4-0 is having a mammogram. While some women may have one earlier than age 40, with no family history, my first mammogram was scheduled 2 weeks ago. I wasn't exactly dreading it, but I couldn't say I was looking forward to it either. Words like uncomfortable and squished came to mind. I wasn't really nervous, as … [Read more...]