Getting a cavity as a kid can be scary. Let's be real. No one enjoys getting a cavity filled. It's uncomfortable, not to mention expensive. When you add in a pandemic that comes with new procedures and health concerns, it can be even more challenging. Not only is there the fear of the unknown for your child, but you may have your own concerns when it comes to their health and … [Read more...]
Virtual Endings and Actual Beginnings
Virtual learning is coming to an end! To say it's been difficult would be an understatement. Virtual learning is definitely not the same as homeschooling. When you take something new and unplanned, then combine it with an already emotional situation (like a global pandemic!) we weren't exactly set up for success. However, I'm proud that we kept pushing through, and we've … [Read more...]
Safe at Home with Lots of Feelings
I will always be grateful to be safe at home with my family. That doesn't mean, however, that it's not hard. It also doesn't mean that there aren't new challenges everyday, or that I wish things could go back to the way they were before this virus happened. Being safe at home is a blessing, but it has left me with many different emotions. I'm safe at home, but I'm … [Read more...]
The Unknown: How Can You Prepare?
The Unknown is the hardest part. Well, at least for me. I'm a planner. I keep an online calendar and a paper one. Knowing what's coming and what to plan for helps ease my anxiety. The unknown is really scary for me. So, what can you do? How can you prepare for the unknown? I may not have all the answers, but these are things that help me during times of uncertainty. I hope … [Read more...]