New Kid It's hard being the new kid just about anywhere. Moving to a new home, starting at a new school, and making new friends is challenging. But, kids are pretty resilient. It's us adults that often have a hard time with change. I've actually been having a hard time with change lately. It's nothing huge or life shattering, but it's a pretty big part of my life. After … [Read more...]
A Recap of our Week and Previews
It's been a loooooong week over here. I have NOT been sticking to my goal of going to bed every night by 10:15, so I've been pretty tired. We've also had someone stumbling into our bed in the middle of the night, every single night. How is it that someone so small can take up so much room? All the boys have a bit of a summer cold. Summer and Cold should not go together. … [Read more...]