Surviving Summer Schedules Summer is a time for relaxing, playing in the sun, and enjoying a much-needed break. But, it can also be about work, school, and getting things done. I'm using the summer to work on my blog and teach more dance classes, while my boys are all going to summer school and participating in activities like swim lessons and baseball. Of course we have to … [Read more...]
Summer School and Weekly Recap
We've made it through the first week of Summer School! And by we, I mean my son (who actually attended,) me (who dropped off and picked up 4 out of 5 days,) my parents (who picked up 1 day and helped watch the twins a couple more,) the twins (who accompanied me 2 of the days,) and our babysitter (who watched the twins 2 days.) When I was in school, summer school was … [Read more...]