Dentist Appointment The idea of taking your child to the dentist may be a little scary at first, but it's very important. Did you know that you should go even if they don't have teeth yet? With my first son, I sure didn't. By the time the twins came along, I was more prepared, and wanted to make sure they didn't have any dental problems due to their premature birth. While a … [Read more...]
Coughs and reviews
All 3 kiddos are sick. Coughing, running noses, not eating well, and just general yuckiness. A call to the pediatrician is in the very near future. Plus, mommy is exhausted from middle of the night crying (the babies) and middle of the night worrying (the mommy.) Not the best start to the New Year...but it can only get better from here, right?!As we start the New Year, just … [Read more...]
After and Before
I've been writing and rewriting this post in my head a zillion times. I don't want to be ungrateful for the many things we have...a loving family, the ability to spend time with all of our family, plenty of food and shelter, and enough left over to spoil our kids a little at the holidays. Don't get me wrong, the kids had an amazing Christmas. Everyone loved meeting the … [Read more...]
Ears and Outtakes
We had our first visit to Urgent Care on Saturday. Since the twins have been home over a year and are 19 months old, I'd say that's pretty good. Great, actually. So, let's rewind... My oldest went to a birthday party at one of those "kid zone" type places. He had a BLAST. Unfortunately, since we don't go out that often to crowded places, and are very diligent about anyone … [Read more...]
Appointments and Fundraising
After my last blog, I decided to make some changes and take back my health. My first step was trying to get a second opinion. The operative word was "trying." Unfortunately, with our insurance, it wasn't possible. So, still determined, I called my GI doctor (the one who wrote the letter...or rather his staff did, I'm sure) and asked them what I was supposed to do. I was … [Read more...]