It's Monday! I, for one, am happy that it is Monday. The long weekend was great, but I'm ready to get back to our weekly routine. I'm especially happy to have you back here for Micro Preemie Monday. If you haven't been here for a while, you can go back and read my post from last Monday about Taliyah HERE, and the week before's post about Nicolas and Lucas HERE. Today On this … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Taliyah
Happy Monday! Today, we have an important person to meet, and I'm so glad you've joined us again for another Micro Preemie Monday. If you missed last week, you can read about identical twins, Nicolas and Lucas HERE. You can also read my post for World Prematurity Day HERE. We still have a week of November left, so I will be trying to squeeze in more about Premature Birth … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Monday and Olivia
After a weekend helping the March of Dimes, I'm so happy to be bringing you another story of premature birth awareness. Today, you'll get to meet the beautiful Olivia, as told by her mom, Shelby. Please tell us about your baby. My daughter's name is Olivia Evelyn Marie she was born on April 30th, 2014 at 24 weeks and 1 day and weighed 1 pound 2 ounces and 12 inches long … [Read more...]
The Year to Celebrate Everything
Reason to Celebrate If you read my Sunday Sneak Peek last week, then you'll know I had no idea what I was going to post today. It's been another long, stressful week, so I wanted to share something that was both hopeful, yet truthful. I wrote this a little while back, and it was published on Mamalode. I wanted to share it with you today, while I am volunteering for the … [Read more...]
I’m officially a #30DayWriter
I did it! I completed the challenge as of today. 30 posts in 30 days! Honestly, I had been posting every day for a little while before the challenge started, but this made it official. It also made me feel like a part of something and really held me accountable. There were a few days I was really exhausted, and didn't even want to turn on my computer, but I pushed … [Read more...]