November is Premature Birth Awareness month. I will always be passionate about premature birth awareness. It's also strangely fitting it's this month, since it was a November nine years ago that I found out I was pregnant with my twins. I actually didn't know it was twins at the time, or know what a scary, intense time was about to be our pregnancy journey. Looking back, I … [Read more...]
Sharing is Difficult, Loving is Easy: Jordan’s Story
Sharing is Difficult Nothing about a complicated pregnancy or NICU stay is easy. From the worry and the heartache to the decisions and the waiting, sharing is hard. Not only do people want to know what is going on with your baby, but they are constantly asking how you are doing. Most of the time, you don't know the answers to either of those questions. Plus, explaining … [Read more...]
Preemie Mom: Why I will Always be One
When You're a Preemie Mom... You measure in ounces and millimeters. You've never seen someone so small, yet so perfect The strongest person you've ever met is the one you gave birth to. Before you are a preemie mom... Your heart hurts and your head spins with statistics and odds stacked against your baby. You beg your body to help you in any way that it … [Read more...]
Preemie Update: Searching for Answers
Preemie Update We first met Anthony and Chloe last January. Going through a premature birth journey twice, their mom's strength was amazing. Jen, their mom, reached out with a preemie update, which I wanted to share with you. When we first heard their journey, Jen was still searching for answers about some of Chloe's medical issues. Now, they are making progress and getting … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Update: Lucky and Adiana
Micro Preemie Update Even though I have never met any of our Micro Preemie miracle babies in person (with the exception of my own twins, obviously) I still become invested in each one. I love to get messages and read updates on them. I also have become Facebook friends with many families, so I am able to see them as they grow and change. Today, I'm so honored to bring you a … [Read more...]