21 weeks While most doctors and hospitals consider 24 weeks gestation viability, many micro preemies are surviving and thriving after being born even earlier. 21 weeks, 4 days is the exact gestation of the baby you'll meet today. The word miracle definitely comes to mind, as does the word RockStar. In fact, her mom, Courtney, writes a blog called Hope Faith & … [Read more...]
True Hero: Taylor, Megan, and Stephanie’s Story
True Hero Every Monday, I share with you amazing, miraculous fighters. Micro preemies are the smallest, and often sickest, babies, but they prove again and again how strong they are. However, there is usually at least one other true hero in each story. The siblings of the tiny little miracles are also miraculous themselves. I often think back to our time in the NICU, and … [Read more...]
An Experimental Procedure: Nellie’s Story
Experimental Procedure While medicine has made huge progress in the area of premature birth, there is still so much to learn and so much to understand. Sometimes, doctors don't know what the best option is and an experimental procedure is the best option for survival. In the case of my twins, the doctors could not predict what would happen. They said there was really no … [Read more...]
Eye Doctor: Should your child be seeing one?
Eye Doctor While parents are good about scheduling annual doctor appointments, and even dentist appointments, the eye doctor is sometimes forgotten. Do children even need to see an eye doctor? Don't they check their eyes at the regular doctor? Or do that eye chart at school? The answer definitely depends on the child, family history, and birth circumstances. I'm going to … [Read more...]
Your baby’s best advocate, Lily’s story
Advocate When you have a complicated pregnancy and/or a premature birth, you often need to advocate for yourself and your baby. While doctors may know a lot, they don't always know what is the best decision for you or your baby. It is your body, your baby, and your mother's instincts that often have to guide you. Of course, doctors, nurses, and other specialists will guide … [Read more...]