23 Weeks While some women experience premature birth unexpectedly, others are aware every step of the journey could result in an extremely early birth. Today's Micro Preemie was born after a 23 week fight, including his mother's struggles to get pregnant. Even though I thought I was prepared for my twins to come early, I was truly not ready for them to come as early as they … [Read more...]
Isolation: How to make it thru this Season
Isolation is Hard. When you experience a premature birth, all you can think about is getting your baby healthy, and getting your baby home. Once you are finally through all the hurdles, both emotionally and physically, you have a whole other obstacle to prepare for: Isolation. A baby born early, especially extremely early like a micro preemie, often has a weakened … [Read more...]
Staying healthy during the holidays
Germ Factories Keeping healthy has been hard this fall. With my oldest in kindergarten this year, and the twins going to a childcare center for the first time (at the gym,) we've had a lot of runny noses, coughs, and snot. Lots and lots of snot. Ugh. Holiday Health Since Christmas will be here next week, I thought I'd share my best ideas for keeping healthy, as well as a few … [Read more...]
First Born Fridays, Brothers at Last
Last Friday, I talked about the beginning of my oldest son's third year. If you missed it, you can catch up HERE. Basically, I made it through the first 6 months, which was up until his brothers were born. Right after they were born, I have to say I felt some relief. When they were inside me, I felt like every decision that was made was all on me. I felt solely … [Read more...]
Reasons and A little flashback
I've been working on my blog a lot lately, and trying to grow my readership. It takes a lot of work, but when I think back to the reasons I started writing, it makes it all worth it. For those of you that are just joining me, or even if you've been here since the beginning, I wanted to share my very first blog post. Even if I can just reach one other mother struggling … [Read more...]