Party Prep As you are leisurely sipping your morning coffee this morning, I am in full on Party Prep mode. In T-minus 24 hours, give or take, our friends and family will be coming over for my son's 6th Birthday Party. I'm desperately hoping the weather man is finally right, and we can have the party outside. However, I am prepared either way. How do I do it? Let me tell you, … [Read more...]
Birthday Party Time!
It's that time of year again...Birthday Party Time! In less than a week, my oldest will be turning 6-years-old. That is a little crazy to me. What's also crazy is that we have a birthday party coming up on Sunday, and I'm feeling a little unprepared. Yes, I have been buying decorations for quite a while now, and yes, we have made a list of the food we want to serve, but … [Read more...]