Recovery When someone has surgery, there is always an expected time for recovery. They need to rest and let their body heal. When it's your child that has surgery, you want to help them during recovery, take away their pain, and get them back to their old self as soon as possible. However, there is someone else that also needs to recover. You! As a parent, it's hard … [Read more...]
Back to your regularly scheduled program: 5 on Friday
Regularly Scheduled Program Spring Break is O-V-E-R!!!! School is back in session!!! Strep throat is out of our house finally! Oh wait. Well 2 out of 3 isn't bad, right? (It claimed another victim this week, but more on that later.) For now, it's back to our regularly scheduled program of school, preschool, and work. It's not that I don't love spending time with my … [Read more...]
Shann and the horrible, terrible, not so good week
The Week So Far Even though it's only Wednesday, it has not been my favorite week. Remember when I talked about that black rain cloud following me around? Well, I think it's still there. I just can't seem to shake it for some reason. I usually try to put a spin on things and think of the good stuff when it comes to posting, but today, I'm just going to vent. And wallow. And … [Read more...]