Summer 2016 Summer 2016 is quickly coming to a close. I honestly didn't remember what I had put on our Summer 2016 bucket list, so when I looked back at the old post, I was pleasantly surprised. We accomplished almost everything without even knowing it. Take the boys to their First Brewer’s Baseball Game (They all loved it! Plus, we also went to their first Packer's … [Read more...]
Swim Lessons – What to expect
Swim Lessons We are on day 2 of swim lessons. Yesterday went pretty well, and I thought I'd share our experience, in case you're thinking about swim lessons for your kids. It's a great skill to have, and so important for their safety. Taking 3 to the Pool Both the twins, who are 3, and my oldest, who is 5, are taking lessons. My oldest son took an introductory … [Read more...]