Two NICU Journeys When you have twins, you have two of everything. Unfortunately, with a premature birth, that means two NICU journeys. Even though they were born at the same gestation, my twins also had two NICU journeys that were very different from each other. They were born at different weights, which added to the difficulty of my smaller twins' journey. While they … [Read more...]
Eight is Great
Eight It was a Tuesday eight years ago when I first met you. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday, while at others, I really can't believe you are 8-years-old. It hasn't all been easy, but I wouldn't change a thing. I can't even put into words how much I love you. Instead, in honor of your eighth birthday, I'm going to share 8 fantastic things about you, Mr. … [Read more...]
School Decisions for Twins: What Preschool Taught Us
School Decisions School decisions are hard for any parent. No matter what choices you make, you want to do what's best for your children. You want them to have the best learning experience in the right environment. When it comes to twins, those school decisions also include choosing to keep them in the same classroom or separating them. How do you decide? How do you know … [Read more...]