First the Fundraisers It's time to kick-off two very important fundraisers! Even though you may have spent a lot of money during the holiday season, these fundraisers are so important, I guarantee you'll want to participate. Let me explain. The Walk This is the third annual Walker and Willis Birthday Walk to Fight TTTS. If you aren't familiar with TTTS, it's Twin to … [Read more...]
Identical Twins Bentley and Oakley
A single baby or identical twins? I found out at 8 weeks that I was carrying identical twins. My doctor had a small, portable ultrasound machine, and she was experienced with twin pregnancies. She could not see a dividing membrane at the time, and sent me to a high risk specialist for my 12 week appointment. Many obstetricians do not have portable ultrasound machines. In my … [Read more...]
A TTTS Journey with Amanda and Andy
Twin Mom Support Both during and after my twin pregnancy, I was lucky enough to find a great support system online. I found a great group of twin moms that had been through or were going through TTTS (Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome.) One of those moms that I met was Amanda. Not only have I gotten to talk to Amanda and her husband, Andy, in our Facebook group, but I got … [Read more...]
Hello December Goals
December already Even though we're already into the second week of December, I still wanted to share my goals for the month with you. But first, let's check back and see how I did in November. If you read my November Goals, Mid-Month Check, you'll know that most of the goals were almost completed. Here's a review of the goals and what else happened: Share a fact or … [Read more...]
Micro Preemie Twins Gabriel and Victor
December 7th It is a special Micro Preemie Monday today! We are meeting Micro Preemie Twins today. Thank you for joining us! Today, December 7th, is World TTTS Awareness Day. In honor of that, and to bring more awareness, we will be meeting Micro Preemie Twins Gabriel and Victor, who are TTTS Survivors. Thank you so much to their Mom, Van, for sharing their story, as well … [Read more...]