*This is a sponsored post, but all honest opinions are my own. Dinnertime Dinnertime is a struggle in our household. Everyone is cranky...mom included. It's been a long day, everyone is tired,and no one agrees on anything...especially what to eat for dinner. Sometimes mom is just too tired to deal with it, and way too tired to cook something. Going out to eat doesn't sound … [Read more...]
My Twins A and B: A Complicated Pregnancy
Twins A and B My twins were known as twins A and B for many weeks after their birth. We were not prepared with names. We were not prepared for the journey that followed, or really anything. They came extremely early. 25 weeks, 5 days to be exact. Before Micro Preemie Monday, I'd like to share my pregnancy story with you. I know many of you have probably read it, but … [Read more...]