A Test
During any pregnancy, you will go through many tests. In fact, a test to determine pregnancy is how most journeys begin.
Factors like age, family history, and health can increase risks in pregnancy and cause even more tests. When I got pregnant for the second time, I was older, 34. Plus having multiples, I was considered high-risk and it was recommended that I do genetic screening at 12 weeks.
The results we got were not what we wanted to hear, and it was the beginning of a very intense and complicated pregnancy. Today’s mother had a similar experience when she had a test early in her pregnancy.
Their story is one of incredible hope and also a testament to how tests can be wrong.
I’m so happy to introduce you to Elise, as told by her mom, Tessa.
1. Tell us about your baby
2. Do you know the reason for your premature birth?

An Emergency
Her Arrival

3. How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?
An emotional test

4. How is your baby doing today?

5. How are you doing today?
Giving Thanks

5. What advice do you have for new preemie parents?
Happy Birthday Elise Danay!

Such a blessing this little one is… My second baby was also a preemie at 33 weeks…
Congratulations on your healthy baby girl! I am also a med tech and my baby girl is 9 months adjusted too, and we also struggled with infertility. So glad to hear Elise is doing so well!
Thank you!
What an amazing story and how far she has come! She is absolutely precious!!
Thank you!
I can’t tell you how happy I am to see this mama have a happy ending! Those earlier photos broke my heart. I’m glad she’s thriving and healthy!
There are so many micro preemie parents who never bring their babies home, empty cribs, clothes never worn. As sick as Elise was, we faced that possibility over and over. She is an amazing little girl.
What a beautiful, happy and healthy looking little girl! You are blessed for sure!
We are indeed!
I can’t imagine the strength it must take to remain in that line of work after your own experience. Good luck to both mom and baby ❤️
Thank you, I do ok most of the time
Wow. I can’t even imagine the stress and fear of having a baby go through that. And she’s healthy and beautiful now! What a miracle!!
This is an amazing story. I am in awe that a baby can be born at 25 weeks, go through all the things she has experienced and come out the other side healthy and happy. It is so wonderful to hear a good news story, especially when the Doctor’s didn’t seem to have much hope. She looks so beautiful too!
You are such a strong mama! I can’t imagine what you went through.
Oh, my goodness…. to see how far she’s come <3 I have goosebumps. With this line, especially. "The hardest part was everything." Ugh, my heart aches, but I'm SO very glad that she has such a wonderful support system and such loving parents and caring physicians who helped her reach every milestone. What a beautiful sweet baby girl 🙂
If anyone is interested in her detailed journey from the beginning, she has a fb page called Elise Danay’s Journey
Omg what a cutie!!!! So happy to hear she’s doing well today! What a fighter:)