A Transition
As any new mom knows, even after a full-term birth, making the transition and bringing your new baby home is scary. You feel alone, and a little unsure what to do.
Now, imagine that you’ve been in the intensive care unit of the hospital with your baby for the last couple months. Making that transition from the NICU can be even scarier. How do you know your baby is OK without those monitors telling you they are breathing? Or those beeps indicating their heart rate is OK?
I know I was so happy, but also terrified when my twins came home from the NICU. There was definitely a period of adjustment, and still a lot of fear.
Today, we meet Lyndsay, as she is making the transition to home life with her sweet girl, Liliana.
1.Tell us about your baby.
Liliana is a 24 weeker. She was born weighing 1 lb 5 oz, and was 12 inches long. Her eyes were fused, hands and feet webbed, and no nipples.
2.How long was your NICU stay? What was the hardest part?
Our NICU stay was 140 days. We were transferred hospitals once for surgery to a hospital 1.5 hours away from home. She had a PDA Ligation. They put a catheter up her femoral artery and used a small mesh cool to close the PDA.
Oh, gosh. The hardest part, I doubt I can choose one. Wondering when I call ever morning if she was going to be alive. Having no control and letting the nurse tell me what I can and can’t do with my daughter.
3.Do you know what caused your premature birth?
Well, honestly I don’t know. I mean it was premature rupture of membranes, and I had an infection in my placenta. The only thing I could think of that would have cause me to get an infection was my tooth went bad during my pregnancy.
4.How are you and your baby doing now?
We’ve been home about 3 weeks, and it’s awesome. The fears are definitely still there. It’s very hard not having blood gases and CBS’s every other day. It’s also hard to make the transition from there being doctors everyday to being just me, dad, and baby.

New preemie mommies, give yourself a break. Speak your mind to Doctors and nurses. We’re the only voices for our babes. Have faith. They are stronger than we could ever imagine.
Thank you so much to Lyndsay for sharing her story and beautiful Liliana with us today. Please leave your comments of support below.
Wow. She is truly so beautiful. I can’t imagine watching my baby go through surgery, and I can’t imagine how scary it would be to bring her home after so much time with the doctors. I love reading the strength of the parents in these posts. <3
I can’t imagine having to go through this. So sad but I am happy that there was a good outcome in the end 🙂
xoxo, Jenny
Oh my goodness, I cannot even begin to imagine how hard it would be. What a lovely girl and still so tiny! Sending lots of positive thoughts to this family.
What a gorgeous baby, and those cheeks are yummy. I’m so happy that Liliana is home, and I wish the family all the best. I hope the child development assessment goes well.
Oh my goodness, my heart just melted! She’s so incredibly beautiful! Happy to hear she is home! And looking forward to more posts on her progress! Sending you lots of love! XO
Anna || A Lily Love Affair
My girl is name Liliana as well. Thankfully we had a short stay in the nicu. She was a 32 weeker. I’m so happy your baby is home!
sweet sweet beautiful girl! so glad she is home! i can’t imagine everything they’ve been through, wish them the best and brightest going forward!
Awwww what a sweetie :):) so happy to hear Lilana is home and doing well 🙂
These stories are always so inspiring! It was interesting to hear her mention that she thought a bad tooth may have been a cause. As a Dental Hygienist I hadn’t heard of this but now I want to look into it!
How scary! But glad you’re home! She is just beautiful!