Unmotivated was the one word that stuck in my head this morning. I’m tired, cranky, and just don’t want to do anything.
Yesterday, I went to Boot Camp and a dance class. What happened between going to bed and waking up? I’m not sure.
All last week, the weather was terrible, and I was stressed out, but I still managed to workout everyday and feel pretty good. Today, the sun is finally shining, and I just want to climb back in bed. Maybe it’s just a letdown from all that extra energy? Or maybe everything has just built up, and I’m finally feeling it.
Or maybe it’s all the diapers I’ve changed, since potty training is going nowhere. Or maybe the endless tears and whining about nothing this morning. Or the epic battle over eating breakfast.
Part of the reason I’m feeling unmotivated, is I’m a little discouraged with my fundraising efforts this year. When we were chosen as the March of Dimes Ambassador Family, I was so excited, and ready to raise a lot of money on behalf of our team. I was going to make it the best year ever.
Well, that hasn’t happened. It’s actually been really hard to find support. We only have a handful of people able to be at the March with us, and we are way behind on our goal for the year.
I’ve reached out to so many family members, and heard nothing. I completely understand not being able to donate or walk with us, but it would be nice to just get a response.
That isn’t to say that no one is supporting us. We have gotten support from my immediate family, and so many friends that feel like family. Their generosity fills my heart, and pushes away all the disappointment.
People I’ve never even met in person have donated money, and sent donations for the auction. Most of them, I do feel like I know, even if it’s only through Facebook. For them to show their support has been amazing.
So, a big THANK YOU to all of you…you know who you are.
I don’t ever want to seem ungrateful.
I also don’t ever want to forget the reason that we’re doing this. I want babies to have a healthier start in life. I want parents to be able to bring their babies home from the hospital right away, and not have a long NICU stay. I don’t want to lose more babies to prematurity every year.
One Day
I think we’re all allowed to have days where we just don’t or can’t do it all. I think writing this post, staying in my pajamas for a while, and watching some silly cartoons with the twins will be enough. It’s OK to be sad, disappointed, or even just blah for one day.
I’ll fight through the feelings, and start fresh tomorrow. I know I’ll get my motivation back to workout, to bug people for money, to make a difference. I just need a day to regroup.
What do you do when you’re having one of those days? When you’re feeling unmotivated, discouraged, or even just tired?
Heather Gullett Denniston says
“Tuesday’s with Maurie” sums this up well if you ever want a good read. We all have these days girl! You are allowed to too! Xoxo
Shann Eva says
Thank you!
Becky @Disney in your Day says
I’m sorry to hear that you feel like you aren’t getting support from some family or close friends. I know that feeling sometimes. There are some people that I feel like I’m always supporting but then get nothing in return – it’s so hard to find a balance! Like with theater, I have friends from past shows and I always go to support their current productions and see their shows if I can, but not a ton always do that in return. So I completely get where you’re coming from.
Shann Eva says
Ugh. It’s the worst. I’m sorry that you’ve experienced that too.
KidCongeniality says
I have been feeling unmotivated and discouraged lately too. I am optimistic that once spring actually arrives for good we will all feel a lot more motivated! Hang in there!!! BTW walking for the March of Dimes is a terrific thing even if you don’t hit fund raising goals!
Shann Eva says
Thank you so much 🙂
Landie Bradford says
This is me today SoSoSo much. I cant seem to find my focus or concentration (yet I need to
try to get all the school I can done during down-time at work), I’m mega tired (I got 7 1/2 hours of sleep last night), I’m cold (I’m wearing yoga pants, a t-shit, and a fluffy northface jacket, while its 73 out), and am ravenously hungry. I’ve already eaten all the food I brought with me today-so I went out for lunch and got more! And not good food at that 🙁 Almost sounds like the start of a little cold…but Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Meredith Nye (semibalancedmama says
Unmotivated days are so hard on a psyche! Hang in there and make a list of everything that is going right in life right now! That is my go to for when I am having an overwhelming day or a bad day. Also, a day off to let your muscles recover is not necessarily a bad thing! Get out the foam roller and do some rolling! Hang in there!!!
Olivia Muller says
I’ve been in quite the unmotivated funk too lately!!
Miss Olivia Says
steff @ brighterdarling.com says
First of all, anytime I’m really trying to be healthy/work out more, I’m a lot more unmotivated after about the first day or two. You’d think you’d be all pep and step with exercising more regularly.. but not for me. I get exhaustedddd. So for that, I just know I have to take a few days off the workouts. I never want exercise to end up feeling burdensome. But if that doesn’t help motivate me, I give myself treats for finishing up the day’s to-do list… whether that means I get to read a book for 30 min… watch an episode of Parenthood on Netflix, or buy myself a Blizzard from Dairy Queen, I am very reward-oriented lol.
Christine Cox says
I hope you start to cheer up. I know that I have days like you are having but I just keep telling myself that tomorrow is a whole new day and maybe I’ll be motivated and happier then. Regardless, isn’t today a good day for a glass of your fav. adult beverage? 🙂 xoxo
Mistle says
We all have these days! I have had a few recently. I just don’t want to get out of bed or do anything. It happens! I think you’ve been so busy that you def deserve some you time. You’ve done such an amazing job with getting the word out for March of Dimes. I’m sure things will pick up for you but as you said, something is better than nothing. You can do this!
Rachel @ STCL says
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling a bit discouraged 🙁 I’ve always been a big supporter of March of Dimes and have participated with other walks/charity fundraisers so I know what you mean about it being difficult to round donations or participants up. I hope things pick up soon for you!
Rica Lewis says
I feel your pain! I have been so lethargic all day. I went as far as putting on my gym clothes but I ended up at IHOP with a stack of syrup-soaked pancakes. Sometimes you just have to give yourself a break! I used to feel guilty when I did things like that, but then I realized that it’s completely normal to override reason and follow my desires sometimes. And when I do, I should enjoy it!
CourtneyLynne Storms says
Ughhh I think we all have those days! I hope cartoons and snuggles with your littles lifted your mood :):) xoxoxo
Kate Walton says
I feel like ivebeen where you are for the last week 🙁 So frustrating. I had big plans for today but, well, they didn’t happen. So now I feel behind and I haven’t worked out in a week (which never happens)- some days it’s simply an accomplishment to keep my kids alive???? you got this, sister!
Hollie || Little Goldfish says
Oh Shann, I’m sorry that you’ve had one of those days, they really do suck. How are you going today? I hope you’re feeling better *hugs*
I don’t know about you, when I get like this, I know that I want to get out of the funk but all I want to do is crawl back into bed, get under the covers, and either sleep or watch Netflix all day.
What does help me to get out of the funk though is to make things, or clean. Making cards from my paper stash, or coming up with new invitation designs, or even sometimes just writing some blog content, anything that gets my creative mind ticking over, that helps me plenty. It might not always get me completely out of it, but it sure comes close.
I really hope that you’re able to come closer to your goals for the fundraiser, I really do. I also hate that I’m not in a position to donate any funds, but please know that if I was, I would *hugs*
Kusum @sveetesKapes says
Awww so sorry to hear you felt that way, hope the day got a lot better and brighter for you. Hang in there mama, I am sure its just one of those days and you are doing great! Listening to music or watching some TV (mostly friends), or going for a long walk by myself always helps me get back on track and feel motivated.
xx, Kusum | http://www.sveeteskapes.com