Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
I can’t believe it’s almost the end of May. This whole spring has gone by really fast. Although, with our weather, it seems like it hasn’t even really started. That’s Wisconsin for you!
So, do you have anything fun planned for the 3-day weekend?
My Grandma has come to visit from Detroit, MI. She’s only staying the weekend…I think that’s all she can handle with all her great-grandchildren. Along with my 3 boys, my brother has 4 girls, so it will be a full house of chaos.
On Monday, we’ll be going to our local Memorial Day Parade. It has become somewhat of a tradition since the twins were born. 3 years ago, we had just moved into our new house, I had just recovered from an emergency c-section, and the twins were still in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU.) If you don’t know, they were born at 25 weeks, 5 days due to complications from TTTS and SIUGR, which you can read about here and here.
So, we were trying to distract ourselves and our then 2-year-old from the constant worry that comes with having two very sick and very small babies in the hospital.
So, this year all 5 of us will head to the parade. Let’s hope for the sunny, spring weather we had three years ago!
Speaking of 5….my 5-year old has his last week of preschool this week! I seriously can’t believe he will be in kindergarten in the Fall. I think I will be in denial until we’re waiting at the bus stop in September.
I hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Christine - The Choosy Mommy says
We are going to hit up our local Memorial Day parade too! It will be my little one’s first time! Hopefully she likes it!! Have fun! <3 Christine, The Choosy Mommy, http://www.choosykids.blogspot.com
Shann says
Hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks!